HI, my name is bryan. I love my beer. I don’t drink it to get drunk, I drink it for that warm fuzzy relaxing feeling I need to have every night after my day is done. Only thing is I don’t want to have to rely on that crutch anymore. It’s costly and my health ain’t getting any better. So, I downloaded this app and thought I’ve give sobriety a try. I made it to about the same time I do every night and here I am again all warm and fuzzy. So yeah, this is going to suck.
@HardTime Hey you are in the right place. You have made the first step and that is great. I have only been here a short time but so far this forum has helped in so many ways. Congrats on ur first step…
Hi Bryan,
I’m hearing you! I’m a wine drinker… well, I WAS a wine drinker… every night… to unwind from the day and to help the monotony of the same routine every night unpacking bags, making dinner, cleaning up, bathing kids, making lunches, reading stories blaaghhhh
My suggestion would be to find something to do at that time of day… easier said than done…
But you’re here - what a great start!
Good luck xx
Lol you need to shift you’re line of thinking. Is it really going to suck to have more money, better health and no hangovers? That sounds like a better situation to me.
Lol?really?glad you found this amusing. I’m twenty years into this addiction. Trying to change how I see things is proving to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever tried. But I guess if it’s laughable, maybe I don’t need to be here.
@HardTime Welcome to the forum! I’m glad your here & thank you for sharing your story! Together we can do it, one day at a time! Blessings to you & hugs!
I think you misunderstand sir! My apologies, I meant no offense. I was only an addict for ten years before I quit I can only imagine what you are going through after twenty, We are all here to support eachother. I was just saying that it will be easier to take this next step to sobriety in a positive state of mind, just look at the good things you will gain instead of the negatives. Even if it does actually suck. It’s not easy, I’m doing it too. Sorry again and best of luck with your recovery
No your in the right place and your right there’s nothing funny about the mad cycle of addiction at all. It does suck man. It sucks to be forced into the realization no matter what we do we are powerless over certain substances that some people can moderately enjoy their whole life. I think part of the reason I hit the reset button often is because my mind tricks me into thinking I’m missing out. I think why the hell can’t I have a nice cocktail on vacation? Or enjoy a few puffs on the beach? Or have some classy wine with the $150 meal I am paying for? Nobody can tell me what I can and can’t have!
The scary part is its true. Nobody can make me stop. Its on me to train my brain to realize I’ve lost the luxury of drinking or drugging in moderation. The sooner I come to grips with that, the easier recovery becomes.
Sorry if I don’t make a lot of sense but I really think if you can push through the first like 4 days…you’ll start to slowly feel your pride and confidence grow.
Stay positive! God luck
Apologies Leigh. I may be a tad over sensitive. First time sharing these issues I have with anyone. Please don’t think that I believe my twenty years of addiction is worse than your ten. I know I felt the same way ten years ago as I do now. Please keep posting in this forum as I would like to take this hard ass journey with you and the others here brave enough to continue. Time to hit the reset button.
@HardTime we are all here to support each other, you have made the first step which is amazing, addiction is hard (probably the hardest bloody thing I have faced) hang in there, you will get there and be better for it… Have a great week sending positive vibes your way
No hard feelings! I completely understand how you feel. I’m only on my twelfth day right now and grumpy has been like of the main moods of roller coaster of moods I get everyday. It’s been rough, but it’s so worth it. Walked past a rack of liquor at the store today and did my best to ignore it. It’s getting a little bit better each day
@Leigh congrats on your 12th day. I know what you mean about the emotioncoaster!!! One of my biggest challenges is walking past the Supermarket as there is always a bottle shop attached next to it here. It takes strength, determination and will power. Good on you for ignoring it, that’s another step for you. sending you positive vibes your way!!!
Thanks! @Ozdownunder I almost didn’t even go but I know I have to be able to deal with it sooner than later and I was surprised it was easier than I thought it would be to just walk past it. It’s just getting into that state of mind that’s is just not even an option ever again and being okay with it. It’s just taken so much from me, I can’t give it another day of my life at this point. And I feel rough but comparatively it’s substantially better than I felt in years. It’s a one way street I’m excited to be on.