This is HUGE for me

Greetings from Dublin in the aftermath of Storm Éowyn (Ay-Oh-Win).

Our village seems to have been spared any significant damage as far as I can see.

I thought I’d check-in with you all since today is a big milestone for me. 90 consecutive days sober streak.

The longest I’ve been without booze.

I’m well chuffed.


Wonderful William! That’s a beautiful 90 friend, and really glad you’re community is out of harms way. We press forward and we get a little stronger each day.

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Wow. Congratulations :tada::clap:t2::tada:

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Nice! Congratulationson 90 days!
Glad to hear you’re safe from the storm.

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Congratulations, that’s great! Sounds like you’re keeping your recovery safe through the storms too. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations on 90 days! Fantastic work :clap:t2::clap:t2: glad you have managed to get through the storm too. Thank you for this post, you are an inspiration :raised_hands:t2::pray:t2:

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Congrats Billy , bloody storm here jn Scotland red alert my greenhouse gone in bits my fences damaged my poly tunnel in my neighbours garden i hate hate hate the wind ,so going to be busy , keep on trucking


Great to see you doing so well! 3 months is amazing :muscle:t4: