This is ten days

So, this is so incredible.
Ten days ago I messed up. But that day I chose to not continue. And I looked up NA meetings outside my town. Went.

And a man there said that I shouldn’t use my phone for ten days?
I didn’t get why?? But I listened. I gave my phone to a friend and told him to come and give me it in ten days.

So now, I’m ten days sober
I didn’t realize how much time and energy having my phone and social media takes.
I didn’t realize that always being available leads to too many active decisions to keep sober. That after a few days you are worn down.

TEN DAYS? By just putting down my phone, being outside with my dog. Cleaning my apartment. Doing laundry. Reading my books.
And I’m so happy??

This experience of getting clean is mind blowing for me.
So many different ways, so much to learn about myself and so many people to give you good advice.

Just again, wow. This is amazing


Huge congratulations on ur 10 days!!! Its truly amazing what happens when we put our phones down :slight_smile:


Wow…. I am up for trying that. Congrats on 10 days. :muscle:

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Woo hoo! Congrats on double digits! :clap: :partying_face:

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