This time it will work :)

Hi people.
For a 145th time this year I decided to quit drinking. It’s difficult for me since I started drinking in the morning, to help with hangover. I always said to myself just one beer, but it was never one, ending up drinking all day long.
Its 8 o’clock in the morning, I feel like this time, with support of this app, it might work.
Sorry for my bad English, it’s not my first language.


Welcome to TS.
This community offers great support if your willing and open for it.
Have you also thought about some local sober support like meetings, counselling?


Thank you!
No, this is my first ever support group and I’m already glad I’ve found it. I’m introvert and talking face to face with somebody would be not easy for me.
Or maybe I was just always making excuses…


Welcome to Talking Sober Mischa! I suffer(ed) from social anxiety so coming here and finding my support group online has been life changing for me. That’s no exaggeration. There’s so much support here, to give and to get, so much knowledge gathered, to learn about addiction and how to beat addiction successfully. Take your time, look around, check it out and interact. Welcome again and wishing you all success!

PS Face to face meetings may be beneficial too, they helped me in the first months, anxiety and all…


I’m reading posts here for like 2 hours now and I’m so happy I’m here. I really think this time it will work.
I’m so done with my drunk self. With feeling ashamed buying alco, avoiding people, being lazy, unproductive, hangovered etc.
It’s still morning but I’m already proud of myself cause I made a decision :slight_smile:
Wish you all great day, you are fantastic!
Thank you! :slight_smile:


I dont think its an excuse. I am an introvert too and it can be hard!! I just found this community also.

Hope we can start counting the sober days together :heart:


Sure we can! I would love that!
You know what is difficult for me? It will sound terrible but my kids are sometimes so fucking annoying… I have 3 sons - 4,5yo and twins 2,5yo and boy, they can be pain in the ass :slight_smile: We live in Netherlands but we are not from here so we don’t have any family etc, not much support.
I love them more than life, they are everything for me but usually in the evening I’m so mentally exhausted I just want to drink. And truth is, if I wouldn’t drink day before, I wouldn’t be hangovered and so easy irritatable so dealing with them would be easier. But I can’t break this circle, I’ve tried so many times.

Once again, sorry for my bad english

Edit: I wrote this mssg yesterday but couldn’t send it, as a newbie I reached the limit of posts so I had to wait :slight_smile: Anyway, the night passed and I didn’t touch alco! :slight_smile: I’m happy. One day at a time!


You’ve broken the circle Mischa! You did it! Huge congrats! Now let’s build on that. Let’s repeat today and tonight. One day at a time. Excellent work, now let’s keep going. Very happy for you. We’re in this together. :people_hugging: :heart:


Welcome here! This forum has been a wonderful community for me and helped me to build sober relationships. I hope you keep coming back!


I just read your last post and that is a wonderful accomplishment! Well done on staying sober!!! I have a niece staying with me right now and she is 3 going on 13 I swear! Kiddos can be a lot to handle but you’re doing great.


Children can test our patience to the limits. And yes, when hungover, craving a drink, we are extra not our best. I did online meetings. I kept my camera and just listened for a while. Then shared with camera off for a while.


It’s so nice wake up fresh… Lately my drinking got out of hand really, I was waking up and looking for some rests of alco, I was buying beers or wine in the morning ( I live in small village with one shop so I even started to biking to next village cause I was already feeling ashamed in “my” shop)… Hiding empty bottles, cans from my husband. I was drinking more or less my whole adult life (I’m 39) but this year I lost control.
Now I feel I’m in good place :slight_smile:


I’m already huge fan of this community :slight_smile:
I’m not even checking my fb since yesterday anymore


I was never part of AA yet but I think I could use that help as well.


After nice morning I’m starting feeling very shitty, I hope it won’t last long

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Hang in there it will get better ,im not feeling that great myself, going to my birthday dinner, forcing myself, 4 1/months sober then this ,but if you work at it ,it eventually will work ,theres so many on here that have achieved that ,i want it and you can have it to ,if you want it bad enough


It’s your birthday today? Happy Birthday Macy! Lot of strength, lots of reason to smile, good health, lots of love.

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I was 50 on 29 june after nearly 5 months sober then had a relapse, but we can do it ,late dinner celebration today even though i dont feel it im going as everyone is supporting me and i want to beat this so bad


Glad you have support, that’s super important. I feel like my only support is this group, and I found it just yesterday. My man is such an arse lately. Today for example we were going to grocery store, he’s driving, I sit in the back between 2 kids. I was telling him so many times I feel like I’m gonna puke and pls drive slower and this fucker just said it’s bullshit and drove even faster and more agressief. Then in the shop called me retard several time and that I should shut the fuck up, our kids are not listening because I’m stupid retard etc, they misbehaving because I’m weak. I’m so fckn sad now.
Again I had to take diazepam.

That’s no way to be treated by anyone, let alone by your husband. Sorry Mischa. Glad you’re sober, when you are ready for it you can deal with this behaviour too.

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