This time the right time?

I recently relapsed, but this time the withdrawl was different. I thought the worst i have ever really contemplated taking my life tbh.
I am glad i havnt, im nearly through day 3 and i have been alot better spirited today than i was previous days and hopefully this time will be the last time i relapse as i think if it happens again that it will be my last

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I hope this was your last time too.

In AA we talk a lot about hitting bottom. This means different things to different people. Some people lose their homes or go to jail and that’s their bottom. My bottom was a spiritual/psychological bottom - I contemplating taking my own life. I’m 44 days sober today, and I’m so glad I didn’t. My life is getting better every day.
I highly recommend getting connected to a primary care physician who can work with you about possible medication needs - addiction and trauma can literally change the chemistry of your brain, and medication can help reset it.
I also recommend getting connected to a program like AA/NA or SMART recovery. You don’t need to do this alone and will have a better chance at sobriety if you don’t.

You deserve a happy sober life.


Thank you for the advice i will definitly look into that
And well done keep going and be strong always

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Hi, I recently relapsed too. You articulated my exact feelings. I checked myself into a detox facility for several days and am feeling much better. The key is following up with some sort of support. I entered myself into an out patient program and have already learned so much. It’s taken me several painful relapses and ER visits to get better understand my triggers, anxiety, and depression. We can do it! Just look at all the success stories of people who finally get motivated. Please don’t feel alone, there are folks like myself who absolutely understand the pain and struggle of what you are going through. Stay positive, and stay motivated! Please.