This was my Bottom

Thank you for sharing. This is something I worry about a lot with my partner. I have always made a strict rule to not drink and drive yet I willingly let my significant other drive me around drinking and driving. I have decided to be sober for my health, no issues that I know of yet but realize I m getting older its unnecessary abuse to my body. I have plenty of other reasons not to drink, I too have stories that make me cringe, mostly situations that I put myself in danger. So here I am practicing self love yet still putting myself in danger. Its like my fear of having a healthy boundary by not getting in the car with him, trumps my own personal safety not to mention the participation of potentially hurting someone else.


Amen :pray:t4: :heart: Yes so true :heart::house_with_garden::pray:t4: The realization of how valuable time with family and being healthy has amplified remembering this horrific time. Very thankful for the new life sobriety has offered :white_check_mark::heart::pray:t4::heart::100: thanks be to God :pray:t4::heart::raised_hands:

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