Thought I'd share this with you guys :)

Last night I went for a meet up with some of the mums and their kids from my little girls class at school.
She’s friends with one of the girls and I’ve been wanting so badly to make some new friends since I moved to this area I bit the bullet and asked if they would like a play date sometime.
Other mum seemed happy with the suggestion and invited us around there last night.
So it was me, my lg, two other mums and their two daughters.
As soon as we got there and had sat down a glass of wine was offered to me :scream: I said “oh no thanks I don’t drink, a soft drink will be fine” other mum looked puzzled and started going on about how it was low alcohol content so I didn’t have to worry about driving etc, I stood firm and just said a coke would be fine.
Later on I was asked again if I’d like some wine, when I said no they started questioning why. So I just told them a little bit about my story (I didn’t over share, just said that a while ago I had gotten in too deep with drinking, i have an issue with stopping if i start and it’s just for the best that I cut it out. Also that it didn’t bother me that they were drinking, its just not for me. They got the gist)
Rather that feeling awkward it really broke the ice! :blush: they said they were impressed with my discipline and they felt like a lot of people could do with taking the same route etc etc. No awkwardness at all and we have since made more plans to meet up and they’re all coming to my house next week!
So now I have two new friends (yey!) And they know my stance from the get go on alcohol so I don’t need to worry about avoiding the subject in future or anything :grin:
I’m so pleased, I couldn’t have wished for a better outcome. :raised_hands::raised_hands:


That really is awesome! Congratulations.


I don’t share much outside core group of friends. When asked at work, also commented I don’t drink any longer and most look puzzled.

Awesome on your outcome!


Yeah she just had this look of “but whhhhyyyyyy??:face_with_raised_eyebrow:” whilst waving the wine glass around :rofl:. Can’t blame her really I would have been the same a few months back no doubt.


I love this! Well done!


Nice one! :grinning:


that’s fantastic!! way to go!! :grinning:


Very brave and a brilliant outcome :blush:


Niiiiiiceeeeeeeee :muscle:t3:


Sobriety at work in your life… Congratulations on the outcome.


I do love a happy ending. Happy for you.


Well done I love it when people get recovery from ths horrible disease called ADDICTION xx :star_struck::star_struck::heartpulse::heartpulse: