Thoughts from the infancy of sobriety

I hit a week today. Probably not long enough to be giving any wisdom, but I had a few revelations today.
I’ve woken up every morning expecting to feel sick, until I wake up all the way and realize that I’m not. Because I didn’t drink. Mornings are so much easier.
I have time. I have a very demanding career, two kids in a ton of activities, and a husband who is gone a lot for work. Time is something I’ve never had enough of. This week was crazy hectic, as always, but there was time. Amazing what happens when I’m not immediately writing three hours every night for that “glass of wine” (it’s never just a glass of wine).
I’m spending tonight rearranging my daughter’s room with her. She’s so excited. It never would have been a Saturday night project before.
This is good. I need to keep this.


Mornings are amazing! I can totally relate to you! I’m also loving how well rested I feel. I get really good sleep now and I love it. Congrats on your week of sobriety. This journey isn’t easy and you are doing it! I hope you have an awesome Saturday with your daughter! Stay strong!


This post means so much to me! I completely relate and look forward to this! I’m starting to get more energy back but still kinda in the doldrums of coming out of the fog- but i am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel vision :joy:


Couldn’t agree more. It has dawned on me I am 43. It’s not too late. I’m gonna enter the European masters athletics in Denmark. I’ll train my ass of for that. I’m waking up refreshed even if I wake in the night. My moods are better. I’ve got time. 3 weeks ago I started drinking at 12pm Saturday and passed out at 5. Woke up at 10pm. Day gone. No more. Day 9 done at 9.30pm tonight and off to south West france for Xmas with mum and dad. Positivity is running through me. Helped by people on this app. God bless wherever you may be


Love this x I relapsed and been drinking 4 days today is day one
You know when your sober you do things that you wouldn’t ever do while drinking and it’s the smallest of things that your children will love I’ve had enough of feeling like this I just want to be sober and with my kids x I ain’t resetting if I can get through Xmas and new year with our a drink I can do anything

Congrats on your first week and hoorah for many more to come! We quit at the same time. I too woke up to 7 days sober this morning!