Thoughts of cutting down instead of quitting

About a week ago, i was drinking, 4 shots of Everclear. I blacked out and bruised myself and busted my lip BAD. I was thinking, maybe 2 instead of quitting, but my family wants me to quit total. What should i do?


If you don’t want to quit it isn’t gonna work. Either you’ll get control or totally lose it… good luck to you.

P.s. I think you should try a sober 30 days and see how you feel


I tried cutting down, made me suicidal again, so my preference goes to quitting :slight_smile:
I completely agree with what @Dan531 said. It is very often the case that people only are successful when the hurt of continuing drinking is greater than the hurt of letting the drink go.

But as Dan said, give 30 days a shot. See if you can do that. Perhaps it’ll help you make up your mind.

And welcome to the community Rebecca :smiley:


You’ve come to a sobriety forum so I doubt you’re going to get any responses in favor of moderation. We’re all here battling to remain sober on a daily basis and I encourage you to hop on our train. Do it for you and not your family. Once you start feeling the benefits of sobriety, you’ll want more.


What do you want to hear?

The lie is, go ahead and moderate. You’ll do just fine.

The truth is, moderation wont work. If you’ve ever made a poor decision while drinking, then you know, in your heart of hearts that after a couple drinks, you will talk yourself into a couple more. Maybe not on the first try, maybe not on the second, but it always happens.

Damn near everyone of us have played that game lost. You cant lose if you dont play.

I would say you should listen to your family, just don’t drink!


Think this topic says it all:


The only way sobriety is going to work is if YOU want to quit. I quit drinking many times for anyone other than myself. I always went back to the bottle, until I hit my own rock bottom and quit for ME. From the sounds of your post, you really have no desire to quit, you just want to get your family to stop bugging you about your drinking. That’s not gonna work.


Pass the grave yard were there are guys i knew who thought that moderation would solve the problem. if you want to get sober try a meeting wish you well


I don’t know if you’ve read any quitting alcohol books, but there’s a good one called easy way to control alcohol by Allen Carr. He talks about alcohol and moderation in a really interesting way. You should give it a read if you are considering quitting alcohol or moderating.


Only you can answer that. Is this black out an isolated thing? In the past, if you drank just two, was it easy or did you feel frustrated? For me, blacking out was regular, and the times I didn’t black out, I felt frustrated. I knew I had a prpblem. The fact you are here suggests that you feel there is a problem too.



I can only speak from personal experience, but any attempts to moderate will just gradually slip back over time. I wasted a LOT of years on the “moderation carousel” before admitting it wasn’t going to work.

I have found sobriety amazingly rewarding and liberating, once alcohol was completely removed from the equation the chains to it also broke.


I’ve personally tried “cutting back” and it never has worked. I was always right back to drinking as much as I could and blacking out.


This. :point_up:  

I would add, I’d rather go through life sober wondering if I have a drink problem than drunk wondering if I can get sober.


As @Misokatsu said…The fact you are here suggests that you feel there is a problem too.

And if you think there is a problem and family and friends do, too. Well, that’s your answer.

Moderation doesn’t work if you are an alcoholic.


Only you can decide what’s best for you, I don’t know your history with alcohol, so I can’t make a fair analysis,

But I will say this it seems you make poor decisions when consuming alcohol, so if you think moderation will work, how long will it work?

If you have to ask you already know it’s a bad idea.

I will leave you with this though, I say it all the time, I don’t know if I’m an alcoholic, maybe I just had a bad stint for a while, maybe I can be in control,

But to be honest I just don’t care to fuck around and find out


Sounds oddly familiar, that advice.

    Here are some of the methods we have tried: Drinking beer only, limiting the number of drinks, never drinking alone, never drinking in the morning, drinking only at home, never having it in the house, never drinking during business hours, drinking only at parties, switching from scotch to brandy, drinking only natural wines, agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job, taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever (with and without a solemn oath), taking more physical exercise, reading inspirational books, going to health farms and
sanitariums, accepting voluntary commitment to asylums we could increase the list ad infinitum.
    We do not like to pronounce any individual as alcoholic, but you can quickly diagnose yourself. Step over to the nearest barroom and try some controlled drinking. Try to drink and stop abruptly. Try it more than once. It will not take long for you to decide, if you are honest with yourself about it. It may be worth a bad case of jitters if you get a full knowledge of your condition.
    Though there is no way of proving it, we believe that early in our drinking careers most of us could have stopped drinking. But the difficulty is that few alcoholics have enough desire to stop while there is yet time.
Alcoholics Anonymous, pp 31-32


Get sober and bring people back!


Whether you drink, cut down or work toward sobriety is a decison only you can make.

Certainly if 1) your family is suggesting you need to quit; 2) you are blacking out and injuring yourself; 3) you are doing 4 shots of Everclear; and 4) you have downloaded and posted on a sobriety app…well, all things point toward a problematic relationship with alcohol.

Maybe read around here some. Search on cutting down or moderation to get some perspective there. Read some other folks stories. Maybe think about how drinking makes you feel before, during and after. Maybe consider a dry 30 days to start…see how that feels for you.

For some of us, our sobriety journey started with that same question…do we cut down or stop. It can be a process getting from thinking about our relationship with alcohol to taking steps to change that relationship.

Glad you are here. You got lots of good responses!!