Three alcoholics are sitting at a bar getting sloshed. One of the alcoholics suddenly decides that they are gonna leave the bar for good and get sober.
How many alcoholics are sitting at the bar now?
Three alcoholics are sitting at a bar getting sloshed. One of the alcoholics suddenly decides that they are gonna leave the bar for good and get sober.
How many alcoholics are sitting at the bar now?
Deciding to do something is not the same as doing it.
I decided to quit 10 yrs ago, took 5 more years to do anything about it
The guy who decided to leave doesn’t identify as an alcoholic anymore, and the remaining two are just glad they aren’t as bad as the dude who decided to get sober so in their minds they can’t possibly be alcoholics either.
Sounds like you three have a drinking problem!
I would say 3 – if they all identify as alcoholics.
I am still an alcoholic even though i have abstained for 9+ months and will always be considered one no matter my sober time.
All of them. Teehee