Three years today

Today I am three years sober from alcohol.

The past three years have been quite a journey; I have traveled via trains, planes, and automobiles to both coasts and up into Canada, and have had the opportunity to see some of the most breathtaking sights North America has to offer. I got to be a part of my little sister’s wedding to her wonderful husband in his hometown of Gloucester. I got to see one of my earliest musical inspirations in concert, got a new dog, added a couple more cars to my long list, and I’ve had the opportunity to rediscover childhood passions and remember who I was as a kid and meld that little boy back into who I am as an adult. Two months after quitting drinking I was offered an amazing job with an amazing company that has been an absolute blessing, giving me the flexibility to take on these incredible journeys.

After traveling to California, Alberta, and then Massachusetts, I witnessed a horrific fatal plane crash, which claimed six beautiful souls and sent me spiraling into PTSD depression. I’ve been to countless therapy sessions in response and started a support group for the innumerable people also affected by that tragic event. The collective pain and suffering has been undeniable, but it has also forged bonds with some incredible people who I am proud to call friends. It helped rekindle my relationship with our Lord, and also with my dad.

2024 started strong and was going well until April when Dad, and my grandmother left this world a day apart from each other leaving two gaping holes in the family. Healing from those losses are ongoing, but the days have gotten easier to handle, and mentally and emotionally I am recovering. It has not been an easy time, but grief must run its course; numbness only prolongs the process. Death is as much a part of life as birth, we can’t stop it, and we never know when or where we will run out of precious time on this earth.

Through the mountains and valleys; the beautiful moments and the storms, my incredible wife has stood by my side and helped me stay the course to ensure our sweet little boy is cared for and shielded from the chaos as much as possible. my wife and my son are the reason I put the bottle down, and continue to choose not to pick it back up.

To anyone going through it, it IS possible to do it sober, and is absolutely worth staying the course.


What a heart wrenching yet inspiring story. Thank you for sharing!
Congratulations on your 3 years! :black_heart:


Congrats on your sober days :tada::confetti_ball: ODAAT :slightly_smiling_face:


Amazing. Congratulations on your resilience and sober time :pray:t2::heart:


Congratulations on 3 years sober.


Wow! Great work on your sobriety :muscle:t4:! Congratulations on 3 years :tada::confetti_ball:

Sorry for all the heartache and tragedy you have experienced but grateful to see you overcome life’s hard moments without relapsing. Grateful to see that you found your way out of the depression. Keep pushing forward and leading the way. You are a huge inspiration :pray:t4:





Congratulations on 3 years!!

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Coagulation you are a great inspiration keep up the good work one day at a time

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Congratulations on 3 years!! :partying_face: :muscle:

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What a beautiful share . I’m very sorry for the loss of your dad and grandmother but very proud of you for continuing your journey through life sober . You are an inspiration :heart:

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dance flower

Congratulations on 3 years. So sorry for your losses. Thank you for sharing here…

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Congratulations on your 3 years !!! :tada::tada::tada:

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Thank you for sharing means alot i have been wanting to share my story so many time but i am still a wreck. ODAAT


Huge congratulations on 3 years :tada::tada::confetti_ball:

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