
Yep, i successfully reached my 1 year sober! Not one drop has touched my lips. Since last year ive paid off my car, cleared my debt, dropped down 4 inches in my jean size, ran a 5k, and went out to events and sightseeing more. Its definitely left me more physically and mentally open to more opportunities that may come my way.

I had hoped to fully change my life by now ie new job, new house, a love life, rockin abs etc but i learned early on that the best changes may take more time, and im fine with that.

I dont plan to start drinking again but its nice to know that i have a year of sobriety behind me that i can always be proud of.

Couldnt have done it without this app and all you guys’ insight and support. High five :raised_hand:



That is super fabulous…Congratulations!!!

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Solid man. Solid.

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Congrats on a year @Keith_McCormick!
Such positive changes have come your way! :sunny: :smile: :sunny:

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It still amazes me how much can be done in a day in the right frame of mind! And also how many things (even simple little things) I put off for so long being in a drunken stupor! Congratu-fricken-lations! Thats awesome.

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Wonderful!! So happy for you!!

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You rock! Congratulations!

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Wow! Congratulations!! :tada::tada::tada:

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Amazing job, congrats! :birthday: :tada: :muscle:

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You have accomplished a lot that first year, congratulations!

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Thanks guys n gals. You lot are amazing

congrats mate, awesome job!

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Awesome. Big congrats!! Very inspiring.

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that’s spectacular! way to go! keep it up :slight_smile:

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It’s worth it, isn’t it?
When you started, did you think you’d get this far?

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Yea its definitely worth it, probably the best damn thing ive ever done with my life! so far…

When i started the plan was for 7 months, or 8 max, so i guess i underestimated myself! But honestly when i got to that point i kept staying sober because i didnt want to go back to the way i was before, and throw away all that effort.

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Awesome dude! Keep it going!

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AAmen, big homie! Keep it up :fist:t3::fist:t3:

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Epic job! What an inspiration. Keep up the great work brother!

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