Time for self care

I’ve been sober now past four month mark and I’m thinking it’s time to post exactly what I’m doing for self care. Since I treatedy body like it wasn’t a Holy Temple for the Spirit of the Lord im deciding to go ahead and do so now. I felt so gross and disgusting and even after I quit I felt the same way…mom starting to find the light and realize I worth the pain through the end . I had a relationship that went viral…he hated my being and body so much and I accepted it. Now I’m saying no …to abuse of the mind and soul…and I’m taking control of my own and ignoring everyone’s elses perception of my body God molded me to be. Everyone have a great morning.


The important thing to remember is dat we strive to be contentedly sober and we can have that in all aspects of our lives. And hey fuck the begruders. Keep it goin ur doing well