Time to be totally sober without medication!

I tried bearing through the side effects of suboxone for as long as i could but the constipation & feeling bloated & the sore body when i wake up everyday was just too much so im quitting cold turkey at 12mgs but i was only on it for a little over 2 months so the withdrawals shouldn’t be to brutal like ive gone through methadone withdrawals 3 times in my life so this should be similar & plus its effecting how i preform in school like a brain fog so yeah im on day 2 & so far so good. My life is going way too good to even consider going back to that living hell! Please wish me luck & everything else!


I’m not familiar with the medication. But sending healing energy over to you :sun_with_face::sunflower::sun_with_face::sunflower:

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Thank you my friend!

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I commend you on your goal to quit SUBs. There are a lot of harsh side effects, like you mentioned. Some folks take much larger doses for long periods of time. Some people feel that they need to do that, and that’s okay. Other people like to gradually taper because, like you, they no longer wish to have any dependence on opioids.

Some healthcare providers (especially in the US) push people to stay on high doses of Methadone or BUP for long periods of time because of the money pharmaceutical companies give to them. It’s an unfortunate system, however, when people advocate for themselves, like you, they can be free of their dependency on opiods. Listen to your intuition and you will more than likelu never go wrong. Good luck.

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Think of having a broken bone in a leg or ankle. One might need to stay off one’s feet for the 1st few days, then use a walker, crutch and/or cane in early recovery time. Finally graduate to walking unassisted.

Same with meds for addiction. Use as necessary, changing doseage and type of med as needed during weaning off. No need to be full of pride and go cold turkey straight to relapse. Use meds intelligently and for as long as needed to get free for good.

We all have different tolerance levels and some of us may have limited self appraisal skills, so do this with the help of a trusted and knowlegeable friend.

I agree with you. MAT medications were made so that people with OUD don’t have to suffer withdrawal symptoms. Everyone is going to have an opinion about MAT; but at the end of the day individuals have the right to autonomy and informed consent.