I have been struggling with alcohol abuse for 8-9 months . Not a daily drinker but I would binge 1-3 times a week at my worst. I am surprised at how exhausted I am after 6 days without a drop. I felt really weird and outside myself 2 days ago and fatigue ever since. Is it normal to feel this way being I haven’t struggled with this for very long? I knew it’d be challenging and require changes but I was not expecting to feel bogged down with a headache for this long… any suggestions for perking back up again?
Try focus on what you will gain from it @Gemstone123 to staying sober. Your body and mind is working and of course you will be tired. Actually i see it as a good thing. Its a progress . Focus on positive things you can do . Try to let go of the past , have you tried any groups like AA ? Drink alot of water , sleep when u can. IT will be better in time if you do the right things. I promise
I’m sorry your not feeling the immediate results of abstinence. Alcohol usually depletes your body of nutrients such a B’s, the ones vital for energy.
I tend to never sleep after the first few days of quitting so I know how you feel. I try to just make sure I eat and drink nutrient dense foods to make the lethargic phase go quicker.
@Cobaltchris and @Naturehippy thank you for your words! I live in a tiny town and am a very private person so AA is not something in my comfort zone. This forum, my husband, mother, and friends are enough for me at this time.
My past isn’t bothering me and I feel at peace with my decision to not drink anymore. I think I just have to be patient and go through the motions. I will try adding a vitamin to my routine, I have been using essential oils and they help, but it’s subtle. I guess I was expecting to have all these cravings and while I’ve had a few, this fatigue and spacey feeling are kicking my butt! Almost have a full week and still feeling very strong though!
Thanks again for the encouragement guys!
Congrats With almost full week @Gemstone123 and that you still feel very strong thats awesome i too was a pretty private person , that changed me when i went to rehab for 5 months a 12 step clinic on the other side of my country. I was truly a mess, a ignorant, angry power less addict . Day after i arrived we went to my first AA meeting… IT took me a long while .but today i love my homegroup. I would not be without it. Anyway dont give up on your self embrase life again !!!
I remember feeling weird the first week I was sober. It felt like my body didn’t belong to me… I wasn’t used to be sober. The sober life requires you to feel every freakin emotion and I wasn’t used to that… still not used to it. This journey is totally out of my comfort zone and even though it feels kinda weird at times, I’m glad I took this step. I feel off sometimes, but I also feel like i accomplished something, like I’m learning to live and love myself again and that feeling right there makes all of this worth my while.