Body here for brevity.
I would not use the word “failed” but I certainly don’t think it’s a good idea to replace one substance with another. Keep up the hard work!
I agree with Nordique, this is not a failure. Failure is when we stop trying. Like most experiences in life, this is a learning experience/opportunity…and it sure sounds like you learned from it. Take that knowledge, add it to your sober toolbox and keep moving forward. Whether you reset your counter is 100% your decision.
It is so easy to replace one harmful substance/escape mechanism/addiction with another. You are wise to learn the power of that now!!
I think the only failure here is in method- your sober plan is to switch addictions. You are not addressing the problem- that you are powerless over these substances- and you are not developing the tools you need to stay sober. You tried this method and have already identified it doesn’t work for you. Time for a new one. Early on in my sobriety, I took other people’s sober plans. My plans sucked and never worked, so I found people with good sober time to them, asked them how they did it, and copied them. A lot of the advice I got came from this forum here. You’re doing a great job being honest and accountable. What’s next?
Im so glad that u havent had alcohol in 12 days! Way to go on that! But yes i can understand why ud be debating on resetting ur timer. In the past, whenever i have substituted my DOC for a “less harmful” one, it always lead back to my DOC. Maybe not today or tmrw but it always lead me back to the more harmful substance. And i worry about that with this situation ur in. Id hate to see u fall back to alcohol bcuz of these CBD/THC drinks. Sounds like u learned alot from this tho! Take what u have learned from this situation and make the necessary changes that u think u need to make to better ur recovery
What is it you really desire? Is it sobriety?
Mostly to wake up with a clear head and energy to have a “good” day. My “good” day consists of vitamins, exercise, enough water, work/life with family depending on day, and an early night of sleep. All of that gets messed up when I drink. I wake up late, I’m barely aware of whats going on, my wife says I’m a different person. My kids try to play with me but I barely have enough energy to stay awake. Anything that keeps me awake and puts me into that cloudy state in the morning is the opposite of what I want. Anything that helps me mentally prepare for sleep at 900PM and has me up and aware at 6AM is what I want.
Cbd is natural so wouldnt say failed