To end my world of misery

Am having a huge battle kick starting my sobriety. I really feel irritated of myself after am using but I’d still go back to it. Deep down am strongly willing to end this chapter of misery in my life.


Hi James,I’m sorry your feeling deflated ATM,I was like you saying today is the day ,or tomorrow will be better,I did this for a very long time ,but one thing I didn’t do was loose HOPE stick with it .

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Thanks a lot Lilemm, will keeping hold on strong but you something my main problem starts when cash gets into my hands then all hell break loose :pensive::pensive::pensive:

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I totally get you when I first got clean money day was always a massive trigger but once you get thru that first payday clean you will become stronger I promise you that push thru miracles do happen

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The first 72 hours are a big battle. Medical supervision is suggested for some people. One minute, one hour, one day at a time is how I stopped. If my ass who would drink at a minimum 16 beers every single day can quit, so can you! Show up, do the next right thing and put the work in. Good luck, we’re here to help.

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Thanks a lot Lilemm we seem to have similar experiences. Am looking forward to my next payday, the outcome that day determines my future.

Appreciate the advice and support. I shall put it in work at my own ends. Thanks once more

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I was just like you. For about 3 years I actively kept trying to quit with no success. Now I’m almost 6 months sober. What was different this time is I asked for help. I got a therapist, I was brutally honest with them (I always lied to Drs before). I started going to meetings. I got vivitrol injections each month. I had to completely swallow my pride and dig in. I feel so thankful to myself for doing this!