To the few who believe this to be a sober tinder

I get it that isn’t explicitly stated in the rules, in these exact terms, but still I think that this expectation of civility is covered in rule #1, Be Civil. Like, to me that’s common sense: when you’re civil, you don’t trash talk people, doesn’t matter what they did. You flag it and the responsible parties (moderators) do the jobs they do so well. Then you leave, or block, or silence the user or the thread (details on how to do that here: How to Mute / Ignore User or a Thread).

This platform isn’t a spectator sport where people watch others duke it out about what they perceive to be the sins of others. It’s not an audience activity where we talk with each other (in public or in private) about the “performers” as if we were viewers talking about celebrities on a show.

This platform is about getting sober, for every human here, whether you understand their behaviour or not. (Note that I say “understand”, and not “like”. Sobriety is not a popularity contest.)

As the old saying goes, sobriety isn’t easy, but it is simple: get your ego out of the way, ask for help, and work on yourself. It’s the same on Talking Sober: get your ego out of the way, ask for help (from moderators, if the issue is a disruption to the forum), and work on yourself.