Tobacco free since 29 Feb

I decided to go cold Turkey this lastThursday, 5 days, bought a cigarrette but ended tossing it away to the trash.

I work from home and I think I cannot concentrate, I really hope going cold turkey has some advantage cause i feel like breaking stuff lol


I feel it does. It gets all the withdrawls overwith as fast as possible.

I’ve tried gum, patches, pills and felt thatbthey all kicked the can down the road. Cold turkey rips that bandaid off and in a week or two, you’re 80% there! In 6 to 8 weeks you’re 99% there.

Good choice! I hope you stick with it, it has been worth it.


Great job on quitting :muscle:t4:
Anger and rage are normal at the beginning. Find ways to keep yourself busy…I played a lot of senseless games on my phone when the urges hit. I would take my break time to play games or do a quick walk around the block instead of smoking.
It does get easier… keep staying vigilant.

Check out the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) thread for support and tips.


Still.standing, I had my orchestra workshop session this weekend and I used to smoke after it, I kinda miss it, found myself a bit grumpy, but iwas feeling hunger too.

Now its time to go train at thr gym, i entered a weight loss challenge, i weighted 89.40 kg but the scale is just bananas, lets see how it went but I dont care much honestly.

Just worried about a junkie thought, that I could smoke when I 'd be really old, (if I ever get to)

Went cold turkey 32 years ago after trying all other options.
Its not easy my will power got me over the cravings which lasted about 2 months. My wife still smoked and gave up 5 years ago her smoking didn’t worry me, even when I was drinking and others were smoking I didnt or never have even had a puff.
Stay strong you can do it :muscle:

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Oh man, im triying to avoid alcohol and social meetings, but I cant hide for always, if i can be with my smoker friends without smoking will mean a lot for me

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Failed, on march 29 almost a month then failed some.more.times, I reseted my day counter for today, I’m not sure how I can get the strength to it this time, feel exhausted

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It’s not really about strength IMO. It’s about mindset, it’s about community, it’s about knowledge. Allen Carr’s book helped me greatly with the right mindset. Knowledge I gained by reading and watching articles and videos abpout smoking and how to quit. Community you can find here in this thread:

Or there’s more specialized forums, totally dedicated to quitting smoking, on the web too. You can do this! In the end it’s the smoking that exhausts and kills us!


Thanks for remind me thing about community

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