Tobacco habit is hard to break for me

Guys ok, so I need some reassurance I guess? So I’m attempting to break two addictions at once (alcohol and tobacco products), and I’m on day three no alcohol but I had to reset my tobacco clock back today. I feel kinda crummy that I caved so quickly but it’s really hard trying to break both at the same time. Can anyone maybe share some tips or suggestions on this? Or maybe I’m taking on too much at once?


My tip probably won’t be liked but it would be to give 1 up at a time. Alcohol first because it’ll destroy your ambition to abstain from the other. Be proud of your 3 days without booze!


I want to break my smoke habit too! I have no advice to give as I havent bit the bullet yet, but its on my mind everyday.

What I want to try this time though is to treat smoking like my other addiction in terms of recovering. Smoking was always something I jist quit, but never applied this sirt of thinking to. Not sure why lol. Anyway, lots of people on here have done it, succeeded and have stories to tell :slight_smile: There is a page on here something about being grumpy a**holes and its a whole thread about quitting smoking! We’ll get there and yes, be proud of the no booze too BIG TIME xo.


Hey there @Kindasadgurl, I quit both at once, so it can be done.

It was one of the hardest thing I’ve done, but it was worth it. I’ve tried quitting one or the other before but one always made me crave the other, so hence both!

My advice is to just take it one day at a time. Don’t go out or anything, just stay home for the first week or two. Get rid of extras and paraphernalia. Journal everyday or everyhour.
If you feel weak, read your journal entries…
The yucky feeling of withdrawals is temporary, remember that!u


For me, I have to focus on one thing at a time. Everyone is different tho. And like Hoofhearted said, it can be done at the same time.

My big tips…stay super hydrated. If you can find time for short walks in the day or gym time at night do it. Sleep as much as you can. Journal like mad. Read here and reach out. Have lots of fizzy water and crunchy snacks around. Sugar free Life Savers…get a ton of those. That antsy feeling you get, that is the nicotine addiction, don’t feed it and it eventually goes away. Just get thru today, this minute. :people_hugging: You are stronger than you know. :muscle:


I’m also a 1 @ a time person, I wish I wasn’t I would love to get rid of both at the same time but it would be setting myself(my mind) up for failure.


I tackled alcohol first and then quit smoking 16ish months later. One addiction is hard enough, give yourself some decent sober time while you lean on cigarettes before trying for both. Just my opinion and what is working for me.


Hey Solsita. I agree with pretty much everyone here. The only way to do this is gonna be the way it’s easiest for you. No right or wrong way… I managed to quit smoking for 4 years and drank the entire time, until one night I started back up again. Like someone said, they go hand in hand. This time I quit drinking and then quit smoking roughly 12 days later at the beginning of my rehab program. I knew how uncomfortable I was gonna be the first couple months and wanted to get it out of the way and not do it twice, if that makes sense. Congrats on 3 days SAF


I stopped drinking then ayear later i stopped cigs i was going to the gym and they were giving me breathing problems when i was working out so the gym or cigs and the gym won 36 years now and i was a 60 a day guy wish you well


I have been a smoker for over 15 years and have several occasions where I would quit and start back … I can’t smoke at work so would where a patch and then smoke and binge drink when I got home… For me smoking is a trigger because my mentality was well if I’m still going to smoke going to do it right and drink myself stupid … I am quitting both at once I am on day 4… I had a scary wake up call myself so it’s been a no brainer but it sure hell is hard… what’s been helping me is patch and Nicolette I think it would be so hard to do both at once cold turkey… so be easy on yourself :blue_heart: your are doing great :innocent: … Remember the average long time smoker take a few hit and misses to completely quit… You are going to have some moments with nicotine just keep pushing forward and stay consistent with no booze… Hope this helps and wishing nothing but the best :innocent:


Thank you!

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Thank you for the advice!

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@everyone Thank you so much for the advice! I plan on starting a journal and limiting my time out for the next few weeks to see if that helps!