Today I am ONE YEAR clean!

Amazing :heart:


Huge congratulations to you, it’s not easy, so be proud of all the good that you have done to yourself and everyone around you. :partying_face:


Hope I will meet your goa? In coup!e montbs. Well done


Bammmmm you rock!
Stay steady and sturdy like the rock you are :pray:t2:

Hope to celebrate my year in three months als. Thank you fornsharing and inspiring.


Congratulations!! Welcome to “the club!!” :facepunch:


Huge congratulations! What a milestone! :tada:


That is such an inspiration! Care to share some of your gems with us as to how you managed to achieve that? That is super hope inspiring???

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Congratulations on 365 days of getting better at getting better! Better today than you were yesterday and tomorrow better still!


Awesome!!! :four_leaf_clover::hugs: It is amazing achievement! So glad for you! :ok_hand:t2::star_struck:


That awesome :heart::pray:.keep rocking RECOVERY :star2:


Huuuge congrats! Things really changed for me after the 1 year anniversary. It felt like so much less of a fight, more of a daily adjustment.

I heard from a few people on here that the first 5 years are really what early recovery is. This idea resonated with me a lot and it’s how I see my own recovery. It takes a lot of pressure off and allows me to deal with things a bit more organically. On June 19th I will have 3 years. A few months ago this kinda freaked me out. Passing that theoretical halfway point of early recovery made me nervous, but I’ve since realized that I’m really in a great place where I’m still learning everyday and letting go of so much more.

My recovery is heavily based around my mental health. I was fortunate to have been put in a dual diagnosis program from day 1 and got a fantastic therapist and psychiatrist team. My therapist is my lifeline and I’m so grateful!

I’m glad you found us! This place is my other lifeline and without it I don’t know where I would be. A late welcome to you, friend!


Wow!! @Iza. A whole freakin year!! That is amazing! Great work! It is a lot of work and you should be so proud. I cannot imagine. One day at a time here. You are an inspiration to us all.


That’s so inspiring! Thank you for encouraging message. Just what the doctor ordered.

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Way to go!!! That’s so great!! And inspiring!!! :blue_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::purple_heart:

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So awesome!! Congrats

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Excellent! Congratulations! Cake and smiles all round! Love you you and yours!

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