Today I threw out my whiskey

Today I threw out my cheap red wine and whiskey, planned things for Friday and Saturday to keep busy, thinking of things to buy in the place of cheap booze, something else to act as a treat, an activity, a reason to live, three things which alcohol have otherwise been my supply as such


That sounds amazing, I’m working on doing the same

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Good for you

Please don’t set yourself up for a fall, just stay sober for now. You didn’t become an alcoholic overnight so the same applies to your sobriety.
It’s one day at a time, don’t predict your sobriety in the future.
Today is all you’ve got, as the BB says it’s “a daily reprieve”, from the nightmare that is active alcoholism .
Take care.


A major reason for my drinking is lack of things to do so I need to plan ahead. Taking it day by day has never worked. I’m not impulsive, I’ll usually plan my binges in advance. I need a new pattern to break an old one


What about joining a gym or some sort of club

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Try a meeting and maybe a gym or a walking club plenty to do if you look i wish you well

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Congrats! Volunteering somewhere like at an animal shelter or a library would be great. Keeps you busy. I’ve committed to reading so many books this year. Reading and drinking my favorite tea helps me to relax and not think about drinking. I love historical movies and TV series, but they drink a lot in those and I find myself wanting to drink right along with them… Doing something else that is interesting and keeps your mind sharp is definitely a plus!


Welcome here and I hope your first weekend is going well!

While I doubt that the underlying reason for your addiction is actually boredom, this:

Is very wise. I built a very steady daily and weekly routine and tracked my habits for a long time in early sobriety and it helped me so much. Eventually I was able to participate in life again a bit more so outiside things took up more time, but my core habits and routines still keep me firmly grounded so that when shit starts spinning, which it does, I don’t fly off as far.

Routines are a hugely important tool. And while you don’t have anything to fulfill your soul and heart, if you’re used to boredom-drink, they can tide you over these times and tough spots until you develop (sober) passion(s) again.

Best of luck!

Here are some more resources that others are using: Resources for our recovery

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