Today I worked my 4th step with sponsor

Today I worked with my sponsor the 4th step (we are not finished yet). I strongly recommend working 12 steps.
It opened my eyes from another winkelman. G24✌


Can I ask what the 12 steps are? I tried to Google it but I find some very religious answers. I’m not religious so how would it work?
Thanks and Good luck


12 steps Programs are the best way of knowing yourself and the core of addiction (some oder disorders too). Depending on type of the addiction, the person works these steps (also called 12 baybe steps) wiht his/her sponsor to have a better life.


12 steps broken down , steps 1-3 Give up. steps 4-6 clean up . steps 7-9 make up. steps 10-12 grow up , i take my guys through the steps in that order have been for decades , well done on your step 4 wish you well


Congratulations on beginning and working on your 4th step. It really helped open my eyes to where a lot of my ‘problems’ came from. Its really about learning a new perspective towards life. I truly hope it helps you too. All the best in your continuing journey :pray:

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Extremely well said and explained.


Thank you for your motivation and good vibes :pray::heart: have a good 24 :v: