Today is the day, if not today then when

Im on a number of resets, but today feels different.

Originally id led myself to beleive id do sober october. Well that only lasted a few days as a case example.

Whats different? Not alot, but ive come to terms that i dont even enjoy alcohol, there hasnt been a morning where ive been excited or looked forward to drinking in the evening in a very long time, in the way that when i was younger i was so keen for the day to end to get to the pub with the guys or plan the weekend for a big drink type thing. this is a big realization to know that i dont even want to drink outside of habitual routine and the addictiveness that comes in tune with routine and how my brain flips a switch in the afternoons and im back doing something i would of said i didnt want to do.

This is the first post ever for me, hoping this leads to some form of accountability that will inturn make this my last reset.

Ill aim to check in and engage with any comments as a way to try to stick to this accountability im seeking rather then resetting in secret and not engaging with the community here that i see soo much overwhelming support for when reading other threads.


Thats a tough realization. Checkin here often and update us. Have you identified the danger times and places and how you can counter those triggers?


At this stage, a way to counter my triggers is to tell myself i can eat whatever i want. I tend to not want to drink when i have a full stomach. But with that, ill generally skip meals to keep drinking, put dinner aside in the microwave and eat at the end of the night before sleep.

Tonight i already have a plan of where im going to collect dinner and bring back home.

Tomorrow ill be travelling late into the night for work out of town, so far i can say i know im in the clear till Monday afternoon. But that puts me working away, hot days and in a position where its easy to want to drink. Atleast in that moment ill be in the 3rd day period. And this thread can hold me accountable and im hoping im able to post a 3 day mark, then at 1 week and so on.

Its been a few years since ive managed 1 week, this is the first time im publicly stating my intentions and not just keeping it to myself so there is no shame if i were to fail but no one knew i was even trying in the first place type thing…


I’m commenting here because I’d love to see your updates and check ins. This is a really good step you’re taking.
It helps me immensely to interact on this app every day. Even if it’s something as simple as posting my animal companions.

Keep us posted! :black_heart:


Good luck. We are here, check in often if you need to. :clap:t2:

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Hi James, connection is key.
At least one of the keys I’ve found to let my recovery stick :wink:
Being here every day to read and write was a way to become part of this forum. Being part of a group of people in the same situation like me was such a relief. Talking to people who understands why it’s difficult to quit ore talk about cravings isn’t weird.
Sober for years now but still here because recovery is still every day work.

For me checking in every day here was a life savior. Hope it will make the same difference for you! I’m here to support you!


Thanks for great words support and input.

Going strong on day 2, todays not much of a challenge with evening commitments and my brain already knows its not an optional thing today, tomorrow I suppose going into the 3rd day will be probably the real challenge. Ill do my best to hold strong. 3 days in itself is a very rare feat for me. And if i make 1 week, well ill share more in time but im not proud of how long it has been since ive been a week sober.

Ill check back in once if ive hit the 3 day mark.


Every day is as important, that what I’ve learnt here :blush:
But do as you find comfort in!
Day 3 I found difficult too, as wel as the 3 months mark. Maybe try to face them as just another day. Just another 24 houres. Keep yourself busy and if cravings kick in remember they come and go Cravings are difficult but you are not going to die by it. Sit them out, find distraction ore come here and vent about it. We are here 24/7, so there is always someone to talk to.
See you around tomorrow! :raising_hand_woman: