Today's a really rough day

guess today will be a pretty rough day. I just woke up after like the first 3 hours of sleep I had in a week, I feel overwhelmed by all my stupid feelings, I can’t handle it and I just want to drink something, get drunk and stop feeling like I used to, even just cut would be a better solution than have to deal with myself when I’m weak like this. I hate myself so much when I start feeling emotions, usually everything feels just… nothing actually, I’m so numb over everything, haven’t cried in years, I like me better when I can’t feel.

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I’m sorry today is so tough. Feelings aren’t stupid and running away from them won’t do any good in the longterm. Alcohol and sh cause more problems than they solve, well, they solve zero. I think you may need some help to deal with the issues that make u feel numb.

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It’s part of living life; you can handle it, it’s just new to you now since you’re not covering it up.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I can relate 100%, wanting to feel nothing, escaping from the discomfort. For me that’s the hardest part of recovery, learning to sit with these feelings and not react badly to them. And it takes a long time to build up new positive responses to these feelings. But you are doing the right thing, you are on the right path.


So sorry you are struggling right now. I’ve had issues with my mental health for the last several years. It’s worth noting that the more you train your mind to have positive thoughts about yourself rather than negative ones, it’ll all start to feel a little more manageable. The biggest thing I’ve learned in the last year is to not beat myself up. And as others have said on here, it does take time to train yourself to have positive responses. Keep at it though and don’t give up :slight_smile: you deserve happiness!


You are not weak, none of us are weak, we don’t make the wrong choices on a daily basis while drinking or using drugs or watching porn or eating, gaming, shopping etc. We are just ill. Takes a hell of a lot of strength to even think about stopping the easy, weak option would be to carry on and find our own justifications bc we’ll find many. Carry on we got ya!!

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