Todays going to be Hard

My saving grace at the moment is telling myself how wonderful it is not to be ruled by poison any more. Im only day 3. Hope that might help even 1% to ease you xxx


Just think how proud and anxiety free you will be when school finishes too :heart: :muscle:


Yeah i think he would be supportive if i really did speak to him about it - ive just said to him they will still be there for him coming back and he said “Well See” which dosnt help but they will be there because im not having them.


Fantastic keep it up! :100: the thoughts keep creeping in sometimes like - maybe just 1 - is this really going to be forever? But im just going day by day its what keeps me going. We got this!


Totally get you, comments like that do not help at all bit i hope you can feel a bit smug when he gets home and they are still there.

My partner can be quite unsupportive at times, mostly when im having a good sober day as though hes angry i can actually do it when I’ve failed so many times before. Keep on here and reach out if you need me x


Its completely up to u what u do but i think part of alcoholism is it makes you secretive and ashamed…its part of what keeps you sick…maybe your not ready to do this yet but the more honest and open you can be with those around u the less it will keep you isolated


Based on that ‘We’ll see’ response from him it sounds like he knows more about your problems than you give him credit for. Your chances of success increase when you’re honest to yourself and those close to you. Your husband can’t support you in getting sober if he doesn’t know you’re trying.

Beers in the fridge are a recipe for caving.


He probably does know more than he lets on. And i do know i need to be more honest - hes seen me reading books & talking about alcoholism. I am ready for this - i need to be this has been my daily life for 4 years & its only getting worse. I do not want to turn out like my mother. I will have a chat tonight when hes home & i will not touch they beers. Ill be active all day & keep myself busy.


Try a meeting plenty of ladies out there who are in them same situation as you can go for a coffee or long walks divert your thinking wish you well


It does make a difference that you stay sober today, to bring your children home sober, to greet your husband sober. You can do this with help, you are worth it, you are stronger than you think.

The thing about @Ray_M_C_Laren 's suggestion is that it grows your sobriety, rather than merely distracting yourself from the alcohol or shifting the focus into your husband’s behavior that you cannot control. One thing I did early on was to read chapter 1 in the AA book “Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions” every day, then to write on whatever struck me from it for a couple of pages. It’s available free online at Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions Book | Alcoholics Anonymous.

Here’s some great threads for newly sober folks as well. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


Holding all these feelings in and torturing yourself with beer in the fridge is hard, really hard. Opening up to your husband may feel hard, but it can give you so much relief to share your experience and reality. The secret festers til you let some air and sunshine at it.

I hope you will be honest with your husband and tell him your truth. That right now is it too hard to have those beers in the fridge. That they haunt you. That you need to get sober and need him to know how hard this is for you. I hope you can move forward. You are important. Your sobriety is important. :people_hugging:


Yeah i going to have a chat with him tonight & make sure he understands how hard today is for me. I knew it was gonna be tough but im pushing through. Im cooking good food and cleaning like mad. :heart_eyes: he is working again on Saturday so that will also be a test however ill mention to not have any at home. Suppose i could always just go to shop if i really wanted to but i know i wont :trophy: this is the longest ive went in 4 years im not giving it all up now. x


Your doing great Chelle, we are with u and you can do this, chances are once your hubby knows the real story hel keep it away from u and support you, he might even be expecting or hoping for the convo tonight, whatever happens we are here to support u :people_hugging:


Good to hear!! He can bring some home for himself if he must have it. Why torture yourself? I know how hard those talks can be, but getting it out in the open always feels better for me. I hope it does for you as well.


How are you doing since you posted this? I can totally hear ur nervousness about today. And i truly do understand ur situation. Day 3 was “my hard day”, where I almost always relapsed. But try to just focus on today being just another day. Try ur best to not put that emphasis on it of it being the 4th day bcuz that in itself can cause distress and create a heightened emotional state (which cn increase the urge to drink). Stay super close to this forum. Do things recovery focused. Maybe attend an online meeting? And like others have mentioned, it might be a good idea to speak to ur husband about having beer in the fridge when ur still early in recovery. It just creates a slipper slope for u :frowning:

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I no think you’re doing great! Honesty really is the best way to start your sober journey. Would it be possible to put hubbies beers in a fridge in the shed/garage/ our building instead, if they have to be in ready? Just a suggestion…. If they are out of the normal day to day fridge they won’t temp you as much :thinking:, I wish you well. Please let us know how your talk goes, I’m sure your husband will be there to support you. :two_hearts::pray:t2:

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You can do it! Day 4 is the “magic number” (I used to tell myself)…everyone would tell me “just get to Day 4”.
It f’kin sucks, as you know…but you can get through it, you can. Just think of getting to Day 5 and it will get easier, it won’t be “easy”, but easier.
I agree with others, you need to get the beers out of the fridge; Have him keep them in the garage or somewhere else - just not right in front of you.

Keep posting on this forum, it can help to vent.
Get to Day 5! Then you can say “man Day 4 sucked, but its over”…you can do it!

When I start thinking about alcohol, I try to revive the feelings I have the morning after: hangover, regret, disappointment and shame. I imagine them vividly and tell myself:“I have NEVER regretted not drinking. I will be so happy tomorrow I didn’t cave in!” Stay strong, friend!


Shame is what made it so hard to accept my problem with alcohol that I developed over the years. And to get this realization somehow away from me I made jokes about it. Here and there. I was in good company. But I was so damn lonely inside. I was surrounded by people and always felt lonely. I made jokes about myself. It was dead serious. With lots of help and being honest to the people I trust it was possible to get out of this.
I wish you all the best.

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Do you think your husband might be willing to not have alcohol in the house while youre working on your sobriety?