Todays small victories

Living in California our grocery stores double as liquor stores. We typically have a whole section with isles of all the wine selections (my drink of choice). I never leave the grocery without a bottle, realistically 2 because you know “this recipe calls for sav blanc” eyeroll

But today, I wanted chocolate chip cookies.

Walked through the refrigerated section, right past the chilled wines and beer and seltzers. Paused for split second but kept moving, got my premade cookie dough, paid and went home. :dancer:t3:
I don’t even feel sad or like I’m missing something. So…thought I’d share because I feel proud of myself :blush:

I hope you all got to feel proud of your small victories today :cookie:


Hell yeah! :fire: great work!

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Very proud of you! Also in CA, and temptation is everywhere. Good job sticking to your values


Great work, not a small victory because supermarkets put a lot of effort into trying to get you to buy, theres a reason you have to walk through that section first.
In NZ we have beer and wine in all the supermarkets too, funnily enough though except for the part of my city that I live in. It used to annoy me but once i started trying to quit i realised it was a blessing


These stores definitely know what they’re doing. And of course when you no longer partake, it’s Everywhere!


Would love to hear about everyone’s victories; big or small. We should celebrate em all! :blush:


I’m on Day 5. My first Saturday night and I choose tea instead of wine. :slightly_smiling_face:


Im on day 5 as well. We’ll be so happy in the morning because of the choices we made today :smiling_face:


Niiiice!!! Way to go! Stay safe and stay sober 🫶🏽


Huge victory and you should be proud of yourself. I’m proud of you too! That day will come when you won’t even pause while walking down that aisle.

I’m very lucky to live in a state where alcohol can only be purchased at liquor stores, not grocery or convenience stores or gas stations. It sucked when I was drinking because I always had to make an extra stop but that changed to gratitude at the start of my recovery journey.


Hells yeah!! Well done!! Small victory for me: saying no to wine at a neighborhood cookie party where everyone walked and was boozing it up. I had cookies and cocoa :slight_smile: :christmas_tree:


Cookies for the win! :cookie:

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Hell yes! Celebrate it all! Well done!


Went to a restaurant this morning for brunch to watch some soccer. The boys had beers, I had coffee and actual food. Traditionally I’d be high before even walking in and then booze it up during and after. Didn’t have one urge. It feels nice. I’ve also been way more productive because of it.


:clap:t3::clap:t3: way to go! No hangovers at work tomorrow and will remember the game to talk about it haha

Exactly! I can actually remember! :man_facepalming:t5:

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