Toggle/sort thread posts?

I’m wondering if there’s a way to sort comments/posts on threads so I can see the most recent comments first? I enjoy browsing through topics and reading everyone’s stories but it’s a bummer to start from like, 2017.


There’s a few ways to do it but probably the easiest one is to tap the time count at right of each thread, on the main list of threads. For example, in this screenshot, if you tap “1m” (1 minute) where it’s circled, it will take you all the way to the most recent post on that thread.

Another way to do it is at the top of every thread, there is a time count at the bottom of the first post (it will say the time since the most recent post, for example “2m”, “1w”, etc); just tap that and it will take you to the most recent post.


Thank you!! I’ll try it


I tap the little blue box on the btm right and select jump to…you can jump ahead or to the end