Total Exhaustion

Day 33 - Doing everything right, and frankly I am reaping the benefits, but my god it is exhausting. From therapy, to physical activity, I am feeling so so tired.

I think also just mentally shifting my perspective and priorities is a lot to digest all at once. Anyways been a while since I’ve asked, but any supportive words would be so helpful.

Much love team!


It’s a big change, getting sober (and healthy). It’s like totally remodelling your house. When you get into a big remodelling job - or even building a new house - it takes months or years.

I’d say your feelings are perfectly normal :innocent:


33 days! What a journey. Congratulations. You dont have to run run run :running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4::running_woman:t4:. Sit still and meditate on the benefits you are recieving. Thank God or your higher power of which you choose for the opportunities you have been granted. Guided meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:t5: to relax your mind and body! So you can see Day 34, 35,36, and so on! #OneDayAtaTime!


Congratulations and proud of the work! It can be exhausting I know. Especially when we change our patterns and lifestyles. It will become more graceful as time goes. The work doesn’t seem much like work if that makes sense.
But remember to treat yourself for your hard work! Go out and and dine on a patio with some good foods. Sit and have an ice cream somewhere and just chill. Hit the movie theatre. Reward yourself for putting in the work


What a bang on comparison, I love thinking about the pay off just like when going through home Reno’s :slight_smile:

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Thanks a million :slight_smile: You are so right, I think that is all part of it, learning how to celebrate life’s successes without alcohol. Ice cream sure tastes sweet these days!

Such sound advice, thank youuu very much :slight_smile: Grounding myself and sharing gratitude is certainly something I want to continue and improve my mindfulness along the way.

Much love

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Getting sober is the hardest task I ever did in my life. It was harder then giving birth to my children. But like having a child is turning your world upside down, getting sober does that too but without having the reward physicaly in your arms.
A sober life is a big reward at the end too, but you have to visualize it a bit. Cherishing the little steps you make every day :blush:
It’s going to be better, you are going to feel better. But for now keep going is all you can do. Try to build in some selfcare like a little nap, a hot bath, a massage, a visit to the hairdresser, etc. Whatever suits you to get some relaxation and chill time. Find some balance so to speak.

Again, it will become better!
For me it went a bit easier after 3 months.
Take care :people_hugging:


Congrats on day 33. I’m on day 81 and looked back at my journal. Definitely exhausted on day 33. And same that I felt like i was doing everything right.

It’s still hard at day 81 but for other reasons.

Some stuff to look forward to over the next month for you: you’ll lose weight and your physical appearance (skin) will continue to improve; your brain will put itself back together and your cognitive function improves; if you can stay in a sleep pattern you’ll rest easier (I’m now a morning person); and most importantly so many things will no longer be your “first” time doing them sober, which is going to reduce your exhaustion because it will take less effort on your part to do them sober.

Super hard to change your default settings. Physical and emotional work, and your body is feeling it. What you’re doing is working!!