Tough Time at Airport

Sitting at 59 days sober, on my way home from a work trip and i stopped in at a restaurant and had a seat at the bar to get some breakfast since I have an hour to kill. Not the first time I have done this since starting my journey.

But this place didn’t really have anything interesting for NA drinks (tbh I was hoping for an NA beer, at least). And I saw what was my drink of choice, Voodoo Ranger imperial IPA tall boys, in the cooler. Honestly the most “triggered” I have felt in weeks.

But I’m still here, sipping on an orange juice, waiting for my omelet.

Hope you all have a great day!


Triggers are just decision points.
You made a good decision.
Keep stringing good decisions together and pretty soon you’re looking back on a big chunk of sober time.
Crack on.


Oh @HuggyB , I can so relate to your post! Work trips were the norm for me, particularly before covid. There were about a half dozen airports that I knew like the back of my hand - at least, where the pre- and post-security drinking spots were, what was served where, etc.

It takes a while to “unwire” those associations in the brain, but it can be done. You’re doing it too!

Now? I look forward to coffee, a comfy seat with a view, not calculating if I have time for a drink before my flight (or another drink). The whole experience is actually a lot more enjoyable! Who knew?

Be proud of your 59 days! And enjoy that OJ and omelet.
Onward, friend. :wink: :orange_heart:


Enjoy your omelette and your OJ. Carbs fats protein to recharge your body - fuck alcohol, no one needs that shit.

Congrats on not throwing 59 days out the window in a moment of weakness from traveling and work trips, which are always exhausting. Way to grow your sober muscles. :muscle:t2:


You have already conquererd. I love a cold orange juice, wish I was you😄

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Congrats and well done. Stay strong :muscle:

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Appreciate the kind words all, about to be on my 2nd flight and fly home sober!


Congrats on your time .i find airports sometimes tempting for me but not as much anymore . When i had i think 3 months in i had a 2 hour layover ok cool whatever in americas busy airport denver . But that 2 hour layover tullrned into a 12 plus hour delay .it was tempting at the time to set and eat but being around liquor( my doc ) and just being pissed at they delay i had to just get mcdonalds really but being at a bar bar anymore i just cant do it to me beer stinks to me and i just cant stand the smell anymore of it

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Currently in Bali on a holiday with my wife, mate i feel you its so warm here. NA Beers help but not the same. My first international holiday sober.