
I feel a bit out of place using a sobriety app for repetitive body focused disorder…but seriously, using it has made me the most successful I’ve been in years. I have pulled so much of my hair out over the past year that I have almost none left. There hasn’t been a single pull-free day in over 8 years…but I’ve made it through my first 3 days pull-free. Does anyone else here struggle with trich?


We all have the same problem. It just manifests itself in different ways with different things. Congratulations on your three days! Keep it going!


I have a less-intrusive habit of biting the inside of my mouth and tongue. There are times when I’ll get upset and bite myself until I bleed. It is not quite the same, but it is a body-focused destructive disorder.

Anything that is a conscious decision or a bad habit can be controlled through mindful choices. Feel an urge to bite your nails? Eat 2 whole extra large pizzas by yourself? Scratch an itch until you bleed? The principles learned through recovery can be applied to it.

Unless it is a truly “uncontrollable” disorder like Parkinson’s or Tourrette syndrome, you can beat this. I definitely recommend speaking with a healthcare specialist about this if you haven’t already, they may have specific advice or medication that could help you.

In any case, welcome to the family. I hope you find a place here. Great work on 3 days so far - sometimes that’s the hardest part.


Nope you are in the right place if you use the search feature there are lots of old threads on Trich and Dermatillomania (Compulsive Skin Picking, my lifelong disorder).

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You’ll find others on here that can relate. Use the magnify glass at the top to search.
Here’s a link to get you started.


Yes I was diagnosed as a kid. When I was in second grade I pulled out all of my eyelashes. In 6th grade I did it again and my hair and eyebrows. I still struggle with it a little bit now but definitely not as bad. Most of the time I was doing it I didn’t even know I was doing it


I had my first contact with trich (as I call trichotillomania) in the 2nd/3rd grade. Since then it has been a constant companion in my life. In the time before Corona I got into a relationship with my current boyfriend and everything radically decreased. We moved, it became more and I sought help. I have been going to therapy regularly since then but felt alone with the stress and addiction. Last year I went cold turkey, it was really hard. It was uphill and downhill but now (also through this app) I have new strength and am now on day 8.

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