Triftshop treasures from all over the world 🌍

Idk but seems I have trouble

I love thrift shops! That’s how I decorated my whole apartment when I moved in bc I didn’t have much of a budget. I’ve stumbled upon some great finds. The best was the same pair of Sorel boots that I payed $200, in my big size 10, for only $10! Now I have 2 pairs :smiley: I think the coolest thing I ever got from a Goodwill was this, which I didn’t buy but got as change. It’s 90 years old!


Wow! And you got it as change! :star_struck: Unfortunally in the Netherlands we changed our valuta in the year 2000 from gulden into euro. So here’s no opportunity to find old money as pocket change.
But I kept some old coins to remember it. I still call the 10 euro cent a “dubbeltje” and the 5 cent a “stuiver” sometimes :blush: Young people do not know what hell I’m talking about :joy:


Believe it or not , these maps could be found in schools across Ontario, Canadan well intothe 80s. Supplied free from Neilson the manufacturer.

I found this one in Port Rowan ON


Yeah it’s funny. I got a $20 from 1994 out of an ATM and a girl at work asked it I had change for a $50. She saw it and said “why does it look like that?!”. She was born in 2004 :rofl:

I like this weird little planter I found for $1


Thx for creating this page…I enjoy thrifting. Will post some fun stuff Ive gotten over the years.


We had such maps as well but not with advertisement on it. But I could be mistaken because I live in a milk country with a big lobby for it. We grew up with the slogan" melk voor elk"/milk for everybody. Ore “melk de witte moter”/milk the white engine. And do not forget: Joris driepinter/ Joris 3 pints. Joris was a little guy on tv who told us to drink at least 3 pints of milk a day :sweat_smile:
That’s what I like about triftshops, you always see stuff that remind you of the old days. The time at school ore with my grandparents. So I like to see more of your finds @Deadman

Looks like someone made your planter by hand @Just_Laura , cute! I wonder how many houres there is in making that pot. I try to collect “berkenbast” potten. They where a hit into the 60’s ore 70’s and I like them a lot. I already have some.


I got this for a couple of quid from a charity shop in Glastonbury, I think. It’s weird but I like it. I’ve got zero idea what it is, or what you would put in the little basket area. It’s soapstone, no ivory or anything equally vile.


Nice! Maybe put some salt in the bowl and use it for burning sticks of incense?


Nice idea though the kittens would no doubt start a house fire… :pensive:

I really wonder what it is though!

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It’s an brushwasher pot Google images think!

Nice find @Tragicfarinelli :star_struck:


Oh thanks for this I just saw your message. Wow. :star_struck:

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Here in Arizona we have antique malls. Not sure where else they are, but I rarely saw anything similar back home in the northeast.

Generally it’s a large collection of individually-rented stalls with a mix of genuine antiques, misc used items, home-made/artisanal stuff, and a whoooole lot of “whatever”. Usually a lot of great, genuine mid-century stuff which suits my style and my home. Some vendors are a little too ballsy with their pricing - but there are also plenty of steals to be had.

I regularly find pots/pottery here on the cheap that I use for planters, I’ve found some awesome stuff.

I have 4 or 5 spots that are standard go-to’s, and 2 of my top 3 just happen to be within a mile of my house. I went to both today. I’ve been going to both at least once a month since I moved to the southwest nearly 3 years ago. Great way to spend a few hours.

I’ll start posting whenever I visit these places. Never know what you’ll find. I’ll also post existing things I’ve gotten - in my living room alone there’s at least a dozen items, probably closer to 15-20.

Favorite sight today -

Frog purse.

St Harry

Rocking Toucan??

Got this wee bird to pair with my toucan in my kitchen skylight garden. Bird bros.


Nice finds @TMAC


I wish I had a use for frog purse, because I am in love with it.


Are you sure you can’t go shopping with it :melting_face::face_with_peeking_eye:?

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A recent favorite find/purchase. Got it in October, I think.

Not a real antique. Not even real brass or gold.
But I always have a candle and it dresses it up really nicely. Perfect color/style for my living room.


Nice finds @TMAC !
I just saw a look a like glass of my drinking days right behind Harry :blush: The glass with the cactus glass base. I had such a glass but then in wine glass shape. It was my favorite because of the cactus base en it was a big glass so plenty of space for much wine.
I had totally forgotten about this glass. I trow it away at my first serious attempt of quitting my drinking 11 ore 12 years ago.
Time has changed, but it was a nice flasback to someting old and forgotten.
Thank you T :wink:


The rocking toucan is something I would take home :smiley:


Went to the triftshop yesterday and found another little wooden doggie to add my collection of wooden toys.

You can make them move a bit by pushing the “button” beneath each toy. I found them very fascinated as a kid.
I payed 10 eurocent for the dog and that was a bargain. But when I came home I saw it’s exactly the same as one I already had!
So now I have twins! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also bought an ceramic holy water can in a nice soft green colour. Didn’t know what is was before I bought it, but the sign on it was a bit familiar to me so I googled on it. It’s still for sale when new for €45,- :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I paid 2 euro for it!
I always return home happy!
But it’s also time to get rid of some stuff to, I have more vases then flowers! :woozy_face::sweat_smile: