Trigger day coming up

I have a work meeting on Monday. I normally have two a month, the second Thursday and the second Monday of every month. We go to a restaurant with delicious nachos, cheesy fries, Brownies, twizzlers. Caltastic binge foods galore. I skipped tonight’s meeting, figured I wouldn’t need to tempt myself twice, but I can’t miss the one on Monday. It’s going to be a toughie for me.

How do you guys deal with upcoming trigger situations when you can’t simply avoid them? What are some strategies you’ve found helpful?


Make a plan. What are you going to drink and what are you saying on difficult questions. For example when they ask why you do not drink alcohol you could say you are on medication and you may not drink.
Good luck!

Ps, was looking from my own addiction, but you can also use it for yours :blush: English is not my native language, so misunderstood your writing.

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Not having a food addiction I can’t translate from alcohol to food. I can only use logic, but even this may be off. I’m thinking of the times I’ve been on a diet and faced similar situations. I apologize if the thinking doesn’t translate well.

Were I a food addict facing “forced family fun” with co-workers, I would spend the day filling my stomach with healthy foods that really stick with me to give me a full feeling. I know that food addicts don’t eat from physical hunger, but I would want to try to eliminate that as a contributing factor.

When I was there, I would order the most healthy thing on the menu and club soda. Maybe its wings. Something that takes some work and concentration to actually eat. Edamame would be another. I would establish a wing to club soda ratio, like 2:1. I’d fill up on club soda before I could eat the plate of wings, I’d be so full.

Thr idea is to be able to participate in the event to the fullest extent possible, without actually surrendering to the addiction. For mine it would simply be a matter if ordering non-alcoholic beverages. A food-centered event for a food addict that can’t be avoided takes a bit of a more complex strategy and more mental negotiations and boundaries, I think.


Plan. Prepare. Plan. Prepare. That should reduce your anxieties. Plan what you might eat or drink and what you might say to people. @Uniek ‘s idea about medication was a good one (not sure if you’re avoiding alcohol as well?) as for food maybe take a look at the menu beforehand and pick something and stick to it? I like @Yoda-Stevie’ s idea of picking something that takes a lot of effort/concentration to eat. That should keep you occupied and not distracted by other stuff. Doesn’t matter what other people think, you don’t need to say you’re avoiding binge food you could just say you’ve already had a big meal today for family or something!


I think you hit the nail on the head: have a plan. Doesn’t have to be a perfect plan. Execute your plan and cling to that plan, especially when the temptation starts.

It also helps to visualize. I mean really wargame this in your mind, the whole event played through in your head, before you actually face it. Professional athletes and elite warriors use this technique. I use it before a sales meeting with a customer. Keeps me in control of the discussion, without being overbearing, as I hold the initiative, mentally.


Thank you. I think the advice about being mindful is especially a good one because binging tends to happen more when I’m not paying attention, I feel. Thanks so much for taking time to respond!

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Thanks for the response. I am not avoiding drinking for the addition factor, more for the empty calories. But I don’t really like drinking much so that isn’t really an issue. Planning is a great strategy! I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Maybe also having my fiance help like “make sure I don’t order that Brownie” could help me stay on track too.

Thanks for your response!

Tonight is the night. I have a plan, I am going to stay strong!