Trip away - first big test

Later today I’ll be heading to a conference in a city about 2 hours away. It’ll be my first prolonged time from home since obtaining sobriety. I have 15 days under my belt which feels incredible and impossible all at once! I didn’t think I could ever get here and so… I’m very nervous.

At home I have my partner and children, things that help me maintain my motivation to stay sober. It’s also my safe place and the only place I feel truly comfortable. So not being in that space for 3 nights, also attending a conference with over 900 other people, all by myself… ugh.

Any tips for the more anxiety filled down times? Thankfully the conference is 8-4 M, T & W so I’ll be pretty busy. On the flip side, I was always only ever an evening drinker so 5-10pm are typically my hardest hours.

I plan to order my dinners to go so I’m not tempted to get a drink while at a restaurant (lots of eateries in walking distance). I’ll be bringing lots of activities to do, coloring, reading, I’m trying to learn to crochet. I am an introverted person so I’m confident I’ll want nothing more than to hide in my hotel room after each socially taxing day but that can be both good and bad.

I’m open to suggestions. Feeling the need to be as prepared as possible.


My first sober conference was awkward. I went out in the evening exploring the city by foot and went into small shops just browsing. I found a candy store that had unusual things I purchased to bring home to family. I also treated myself to ice cream, something I’d never consider in my drinking days.

When I was back in my room, I did some coloring and journaling while listening to AA meetings online. Having a meeting in the background reminded me where I came from and where I could see my future sober self. It helped to keep my thoughts positive. I also came here to the forum to read. I had phone numbers of sober sisters I met in AA, but I didn’t end up using them. The security of knowing I could reach out if needed was enough.

I probably dropped this link on another thread of yours but here it is again if you’re interested. No camera or sharing is required. You can just listen. AA meetings are every other hour on this platform.

Best of luck! You always have us in your back pocket.


When I have free time / unscheduled time, I find it helpful to make calls. I also have a list of meetings on my phone that I can attend. There’s meetings online almost every hour or two so I can always find somewhere to go to feel safe.

Remember it’s always one day at a time. It’s not that you have to “make it” through Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday - which can feel overwhelming, like a marathon - it’s more like you are just today, this day, this hour, living and being here. (The day doesn’t even need a name. I’m just today, here, and I do things to be safe and healthy, which includes reaching out to helpful people or meetings.) There is no marathon. There is only the next step. It’s a few inches at a time, that’s all it ever is. There is no big test. There is only a few inches of moving forward. One step at a time :innocent:


This may sound trite, but in my first days and weeks of sobriety, I’d come here to TS frequently, like every time I was struggling with temptation. (Hubs is a heavy drinker, it’s easy access) I especially used the Meme Wars thread, occupied my mind with finding funny memes often helped.
Good luck on your trip!!:peace_symbol::pray: