True direction comes from inside the mind, everything else is just accessories

Today is day 9! First time in years I’ve come this far…my sleep has gotten so much better, my energy levels are better, my sense of self is better as well. I don’t understand why I convinced myself that I would be miserable without herb. Now that I’ve been out of the cloud for a few days I can say that it was the herbs that was making me miserable. I work 2 jobs and often times pull doubles. I start my day at 5am and end sometime around 1030 or 11. Waking up at 5 am was such a task, is wake up in such a bad mood, grouchy and groggy and unfortunately for the people around me they got the brunt of that…But now to day 9 and I have no issue waking up and being happy at 5. It’s crazy I don’t understand why I made myself miserable for so many years thinking that weed was my friend.

Here’s to day 9


Hell yea! Way to go!

Well done keep strong.