Truth and Accountability

You can do this. We can do this. My dad tried to commit suicide last nigh they put him in a metal institution and I have been sober for 17 days, And all I’m thinking all day and repeating to myself is STAY SOBER. Don’t let this break you. We are here for you and this is a perfect place to share and support each other. Stay strong.


So sorry to read what happened @Hope1… incredibly strong that you could choose to stay in recovery!! Even though is very tough, it’s the best way to process what happened… i’m here if you want to talk or need support​:four_leaf_clover:big hug​:rose::turtle:

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@Hope1 stay strong, focus on what you can control and be positive. We are here for you.

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Thank you for your support I’m glad I have people like you here to talk to and support each other

Thank you I have to stay positive life can throw the craziest shit at you but we have to move on at some point. Let’s stay sober

Glad i can @Hope1.
This must be a hard time for you…
I always say that we don’t die from feelings, but we sure die from addiction…
Big hug for you🌺

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Day 2 here. Slept great last night. Working late which should make it easier to say no to alcohol. I’ve been slacking in my academics and feel like I need to dedicate some real time to it soon. One more thing I feel guilty about. Alcohol makes it easy to ignore for a while but only contributes to the problem. It’s amazing the things that seem so clear in the light of day and how quickly we forget them when our addiction comes knocking.

Wow, wrote that a month ago and have basically been drinking every other day since. Totally fell off the wagon and have been hiding from my husband. I feel like a phony. I am a phony. I drank a bottle of wine today and here I am, awake at 130. Unable to sleep. Tomorrow will suck. My commitment tends to last as long as my guilt. I’ve got to start reading again and building my sober coping mechanisms. I don’t have any real accountability in this and I’m failing on my own. I remember a time when I didnt drink but can’t seem to get back there. Feeling depressed… .

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I think the most important coping mechanism you can do right now is not to feel guilty or shameful… this is all part of the process.

I hope you’re right. I’m starting my last day 1 today. Enough is enough.

End of day 1 and I feel amazing. I spent the day hanging out with my three amazing kiddos. We did art, read, played outside and I wasn’t short on patience or love. I was present. I finished the naked mind today and made alist of what alcohol does for me and it was the affirmation I needed to fuel my concious decision to quit for good. I’m going to keep it on me and read it whenever I get tempted. I also reached out to a couple of therapists and should start counseling again this week. Super excited to get control of my drinking and my life again.


Alright, day two winding down and I am proud of my newfound resolve. I took the kids to the aquarium thinking it a safe bet for avoiding temptation. Could not have been more wrong. There were at least three bars set up inside and one outside next to the kids splash pad. Seriously? I’m proud to say that I resisted everyone of them. Yay me. :grin:


You might want to bookmark your thread to remind you of why alcohol is ruining your life and what sober life offers…it helped a lot for me to see my written expressions of shame, guilt, anxiety, pain, embarrassment and feeling like crap…reminds me of everything drinking robs from me…like self respect.



Yup! Something about writing things out and then reading them Really helps me with clarity.

@Sprite, you’re being honest with yourself and that’s a huge accomplishment. I’m very happy for you on day 2!

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Thanks for the suggestions and the support.

Middle of day 4 and I find myself thinking that just one after work wouldn’t be bad. :grimacing: got to shut that down right away. I just remeber waking up this morning after my third good night of sleep in a row and noticing that the bags under my eyes are smaller. That poison is sooo not worth it. I will make day 4.


Overcame my 3 pm wine urge by eating a whole bag of peanut mms. Day 5 getting it done.

Being willing is a great move forward. I would suggest going to an AA meeting and reaching out for help. You are definitely not alone. Get a sponsor that has worked the steps thoroughly and get to work. This will help you get on the right path. It is the only solution that is working for this addict/alcoholic of the hopeless variety. I wish you all the best.

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I will have 20 days in about 15 minutes. I can feel the fog lifting and find that I am not only dealing with work stress much better, I am more responsive, innovative, and getting more done. It feels so good. I got an urge on the drive home but imediately rejected the idea because of the improvements I am seeing.

I am struggling with sleep and feeling tires. Ythere are so many things I want to be doing but by the time I get home, I’m wiped. Downtime is the hardest time. How long till I sleep?