Trying again. Will count first day sober as tomorrow. In physical pain (aches), mentally drained, hopeless and lonely. Will try one day at a time.
One day at a time comes from a AA saying, so maybe try a meeting might help wish you well
Welcome! So what have you been doing to get sober?
Been exercising a lot (basketball and cycling). Reading, TV shows. Also attending a partial hospitilization program M-F. Going to an AA meeting tn. Meeting an individual therapist tomorrow.
Welcome to the community
Be active on here and you will find TS is your sober fam
You have a whole community here by your side, I am on day 22. Each day is a day, that’s the best way to approach this. Busy yourself and surround yourself with goodness. Anything not good or damaging exclude and do you. Good luck
All great things. Be really active here, it will help
I am on day one too, and I am terribly scared that I will take a drink. I’ve been on and off the sauce for a while, but can’t seem to find lasting sobriety. It’s really tough. But I wish you the best
Hope you find what works for you on your journey. I know the bumps and lumps can be so discouraging (Im on a new leg of the journey myself).
Keep searching for what works for you. What works for some, doesnt work for others. If something doesnt fit, it may be your approach or persepctive but it may just not be what you need. Ive just discovered this place and what I love is that people on here are all walking different journeys, have different approaches and yet all a common goal. I liken therapy and findinf a right fitting therapist to finding a pair of jeans or bathing suit that fit (Im a woman so Im not sure how similar it is for men :)…sometimes the therapist or approach doesnt work for you or fit you at that time in your life, but it doesnt mean the practice of therapy is all garbage! Just like it doesnt mean you can never wear a bathing suit. And what may fit you at one time, may not fit you forever.
I had never thought of my sobriety journey like that. Dedicated AA member for 5 years (sober another 5 years after), and I loved the program and 12 steps and knew it would always be there. It was my only point of reference for being sober, and it worked so when I went back after I thought it not fitting was something with me. I felt that issue for years, and never considered or knew people fot sober any other way (not that I am discouraging AA - NOT at all what I am saying!). I am just findinf it amazing that I met a beautiful soul with 30 years sobriety who reflected what I would want in a sponsor, yet she had never been to AA. She opened me to the idea that…well yes there are other ways. WHAT? No. And then by chance I downloaded this app to help track days, and have come across a community of people in AA, and people who are doing all kinds of things. Im opening up to all the journeys, and incorporating what I have learned and loved about the 12 steps…and for the first time I am thinking about my recovery/sobriety in a more similar way to how i thought of therapy/jeans. I just share this because I think its important people share all parts of their journey and how it changes, and that if AA works for you that is AMAZING and there is so much to be leanred/taken from there (I credit AA and everything I learned with so much that I have in my life, including where I am today :), but I know some people also feel like “this isnt for me” and just want to encourage people in knowing that they can find community here and a path that works for them.
Im 26 days today, after a year and a half of struggling. I had a massive trauma, that was sustained (and still ongoing) so its been very challenging. I can just share what Im trying this time (not as advice but just to share what a fellow is trying
Community - i come on here everyday and read a bit, or write an update on the daily page or respond to someone elses post. Somedays its just reading, but i engage everyday. The community is so central, and this is the 1st time I found a community outside AA (But people here also use ir with AA so that is amazing also!)
List my triggers - i hadnt done this since first getting sober at 20. I didnt realize how many I had, but noticed a pattern in mine…trauma and availability. I listed them from worst to weakest, and then worked on my…
Tool belt - so not just recognizing my triggers, but get some things in place to do when triggered. I did things like ask my hubby not to have beer in the house, and even avoided a couple occassion I thought maybe would put me in an uncomfortable position. Im not in a position where I need to unpend my whole lofe and social circle, but this was definitly the case when i was 20…I had to cut a lot of people out then, where now I just let those closest to me know what Im doing and I know the ones who can support me and the ones who maybe cannot support me as well bc they are struggling also and then the ones who cant i need boundaries.
Keeping busy (but for me, and in different ways) - some members have too much down time when they quit, and then you have idle hands and that can be very hard. Other people have such lottle time to themselves and that can also be really hard…I am the latter…rarely have a spare moment for me, and when I get one Im usually catching up on things I know i have to do later anyway to take care of house, kids stuff and work. This trauma made me realize that if I dojt start taking care of myself, I will not have anything left to give. So i work out when i have spare minutes (instead of feeling like I dont have half hour or an hour to dedicate, when I get 5 or 10 minutes I work in 50-100 push up and sit ups), i do therapy, bought a puzzle and a sketch book…havent done either since I was little.
Anyway, just wanted to share. And if none of it applies just move past it. I hope you find what you are needing for yourself and sobriety, and AA is definitly an amazing place (and so is this) to find your community. Wishing you all the best!
You got this. Take it one day at a time. Celebrate today’s victories. I supoort you.
Thanks for sharing this, Caleb - just know that you’re not alone here and there are people rooting for you It’s okay and necessary to feel however you feel right now - be proud of your intention to try again and see where it takes you
Small steps make big changes
Welcome Caleb! We’re glad you’re here! Here’s to one day at a time getting better, and doing better! We are all here for you! Have a read around, I’m sure you’ll find something that interests / helps you
Congratulations on day 1