I am here back on day 3 and it isn’t that I drink a ton. It’s wine but I know I have a dependance to it, so I need to break it once and for all. I do well for a while but then I just give in. So wish me luck. Thanks for all of your stories of encouragement and mess ups, they all inspire me more than you know.
I was a wine guzzler who had to reset on day 3. Thanks to the good folks here who have supported me through the good and the nasty, my program, and my higher power, I am sober 178 days later.
You can do it too! The benefits are exponential and the drawbacks to sobriety are nill. Good luck, my friend!
You can do this. I was a periodic drinker too. Keep posting and get your mind clear. Life gets better.
I’ve had some set backs myself in recovery, wine being the one that breaks me down, I wish you strength to see it through, like @MoCatt said this community, programs and self power for me have seen me through to 79 days
I was a wine drinker as well. And I didn’t drink everyday, maybe every 3-4 but when I did I could never have just 1. My relationship with alcohol was dysfunctional and it was having zero positive impact in my life. All of the so-called “benefits” to drinking were lies, all of them… At some point you just have to decide enough is enough and when the cravings start make sure you have some tools in your toolkit- some strategies to help you say no. Switch up your routine, go to the gym, find a program/sponsor who can help you! I have 64 days now, and I am going to find some meetings here this week because I still need help. It’s very hard to stay sober on your own
Thank you! I am looking into a sponsor. Congrats on your accomplishment.
Thank you! Great job on 79 days! I can’t wait to get there too!
Exactly @Mephistopheles
Try different not harder!
I feel you. I do well for a while too. Months at a time then I decide to try again. Viscous cycle.