Trying my best but scared

I’m on day 6, I honestly can’t believe I’ve gotten here, I didn’t think it would ever happen. But I’m terrified because my husband and sober support person is going out of town tonight, he’ll be gone until Sunday. It’s just going to be me and I don’t want him to stress out and get worried, he deserves the break, I’m just so scared I won’t be able to resist getting drinks. I’ve got some things lined up, dinner plans with sober friends tonight, brunch with a friend tomorrow. But also every time I leave the house is another temptation to stop and get drinks. I feel so ashamed even thinking that way.
How do others handle the initial temptations?


No need to feel ashamed for the addictive thoughts. We cant control em but we can make constructive choices. Scheduling meetups with sober friends is an awesome idea! In the early days my tool was distraction. I cleaned closets that were just packed full from years of neglect. Spring clean. Go to the pool. But you did mention you were worried about going out so maybe stay in and catch an online meeting?

We’re here all weekend too if ya need us :slight_smile:


If you want to not drink, an AA meeting is a good safe place to be.


You’re here Brie. You’re not alone. You’re with us now. We all need help, we all need our peers for support and I found that right here. Come here when you’re tempted. Read. Learn. Talk. Ask for help (like you just did!). We’re in this together and together we will make it through. One day, one hour, one temptation at a time. Congrats on your six days of sobriety and welcome to Talking Sober! it’s such a great place with so much helpful folks who know the deal. Hugs.


Projects are a great idea! Lord knows I have so many things that have taken by the wayside in the last few years.


I’ve been trying to find a safe AA group, I work in a really prominent position in the community so it’s been a hard thing to find.


Congrats on 6 days! You’re here!!! :blush:

In the first few days, when tempted, I just got through the next 5 minutes sober. If I can get through 5 minutes, I can get through the next 5 minutes, and so on.

I also journaled. I wrote down how I was feeling and how I wanted to be sober. When tempted, I’d read what I’ve written. It helped to make me see how far I’ve gotten and what I was working for.

I also came here to read peoples stories and tell my own, that heled immensely.

The discomfort is short lived, just push 5 minutes at a time if you have to, it’ll get easier with every passing moment.


Congratulations for day 6! That’s really awesome! Your plans sounds solid, I’m sure you can survive from this weekend! Sending lots hugs and strength!

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I hear you. I ended up staring my sobriety about 40 miles from home and it was a good 5 years into sobriety before I started attending in my hometown.

I would suggest finding an early morning meeting - people who go to those are not just checking a meeting attendance box for the day or going for social interaction, they really want to stay sober. Every meeting should be safe and respect your anonymity, but once you step out the door you are in a public place so I get it.

And better to be prominent and known to be sober than a drunk. We fool ourselves into thinking no one knows - but they know, on some level.


Congratulations on this excellent set of days! Keep building them up!

In the early days you really do have to take good care of yourself. You will be resisting the urge and you are changing habits. Please attend to HALT

H is for hungry. Keep quality snacks and food items around. A hungry tummy is not good for a brain that is working on such important stuff.
(And hydrate well! Get yourself your favorite soft drinks, juices, sparkling waters and keep a glass with ice ready to have in your hand)

A is for angry or anxious. Try some deep breathing, some exercise, a change of scenery. In the early days I took a lot of hot and cold showers to “shake off” the feelings of anxiety and irritability in my body.

L is for lonely. Connect here with us. Yes, go visit with sober friends. Go to a meeting. Go to church or the public library and smile and nod at other humans who are not drinking. Go to the beach or a park or the zoo. Call safe relatives and catch up on life.

T is for tired. Rest. Take a nap. Go to bed with good sleeping habits to get in the mood for sleep. Put on gentle music you like. Drink some water and go to sleep!

Read all you can on addiction and recovery. There is a lot to learn and a lot of good tips out there to help you in these first days and weeks. Take good care of yourself!


Thank you so much @LAB, the way this was written is absolutely perfect and very much what I needed to hear. I am going to follow through with these steps and take care of me. Thank you for hearing and supporting me :heart:


How are you today?

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Struggling today. Not sure if I’m just seeing this or you just posted but it was meant to be timing. Just need to remember I’m not alone.


I was going through topics today old and new. Saw your post and just wanted to know how you were. Hope your struggles lessen and you can feel better.