Definitely moody AF, lately. Snarky as my BF says. Idk. I’m getting through it. Tonight was a little rough, playing dice with the kids, and usually we have a couple beers. Made it through but wasn’t the easiest.
Idk. Feeling a lack of support or something. Is what it is. Just a bit down at the moment. Don’t want to drink, I’m good, just feeling like fuck me for trying.
There are major chemistry changes happening in your brain as it finds its new levels. Give yourself grace, come here for support.
I know, just, having support from the person I’m with would be stellar, some recognition??? Idk maybe I’m asking too much. I’d like to talk to him but he’s been drinking, and is all sorts of grumpy with me.
I had one of those days today too.
My brother and I used to own a couple of Liquor Stores. The day before Thanksgiving was always one of the busiest days of the year. It was “all hands on deck”. All the employees worked that night and everyone drank. The party went well into the night even after closing. It was something we did every year and was a blast at the time. This is the first year not doing that. We sold the stores and I have an office job I like.
I’m kind of grumpy today because I miss that, but that was the past. And I know I’m all the better leaving it there.
I’m not sure what your partner’s drinking habits are like but if they have a problem they’re unlikely to be supportive and if they don’t it’s hard for them to understand.
That’s what’s great about places like this. You get to be around like minded people who do understand and are supportive.
I remember hitting all my milestones in my first year and not even telling my wife about them… I hardly told her when I hit a year. I bought her a card, flowers and cooked her dinner for my 1 year soberversary. I did it to thank her for sticking with me.
You’re doing well, just keep coming her.
Do you miss that or the idea of that? When I think of good times drinking I was in my 20’s… after my 20’s and maybe early 30’s not so much. I’ll never be that age again. The drink is like a volatile ex partner… sure there were some fun times but you moved on for a reason… because there was no future in it.
You’re doing great, best wishes
Hey Stacy Ann,
I hear ya on the lack of support from spouse. I got sober and my wife lost her drinking buddy. She never asked for me to get sober. And I’ve heard that plenty of times.
But she did support me. But she also made it clear she’s going to drink. I didn’t even tell her about this amazing community until I had ten days under my belt. Hardest ten days ever.
I spent a lot of my time apologizing for being snarky. And grumpy. And sometimes just mean. I just kept apologizing. It’s hard work. And our brains are going through some major changes. And our addict brain hates it. It will scream at us!!
I’m glad you wrote in and shared what’s going on. Addiction is a family disease. It affects the whole family.
There’s a great daily reader I like. Courage to Change. It’s from Al-Anon.
You’re doing great.
Keep up the good work. And I hope to see more of you on the gratitude thread. That gratitude is a powerful tool. It retrained my brain. I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober.
Totally normal to be feeling this way. Our bodies are detoxing and that shit isn’t easy. Throw in holiday stress, possibly hormones, the lack of daylight and it’s just a perfect mix for moist moods.
Be gentle with yourself. You are doing great with not drinking. Keep pushing through and these moods will get easier.
Sometimes our loved ones are not able to support our journey in the way we need as they don’t understand the struggle. This is where Say, recovery groups and this community come in handy. Lean on is for support…we got you
Hope today is a much better day for you