Trying once more... feeling hopeless. But determined

Hi I have been a drug addict for the past 15 some years and have tried countless times to get sober. The longest I have been sober for is about 60 days and that was the last time i went to therapy. Unfortunately, the moment I got out of therapy I ended up going back to the drugs… Ever since I have been contemplating quitting again. I am about to attempt quitting again as soon as I go to sleep. There are so many things that I would like to talk about and so many questions to ask but for now I will simply describe how I feel about quitting… I do not trust myself. I don’t believe that my resolve will last more then a couple of hours. I know that I will probably end up convincing myself that I can continue hiding my addiction from my girlfriend and my family. I feel like I will not succeed.



One of the things I learned very quickly visiting this app is that there’s a lot of people in very similar situations to ourselves, you are not alone. Baby steps, let’s just get the sleep bit over with and stay clean until bedtime tomorrow. 1 full day, that’s it that’s all you need to think about for now.


You’re right, 24h at a time… Thanks!

Hi Alex, welcome to the forum!
I would say 99% of the people that have accepted they have a problem with drugs/alcohol and tried to stop, have felt the way you do right now (hopeless, never gonna make it, won’t succeed etc). The good thing is, it’s all BS made up by your addictive mind to keep you going back, and you can stop this cycle. Check in here regularly, talk to the people here, everybody is very helpful as full of wisdom and experience about becoming sober. Here you can ask all the questions you want, and talk about everything that weighs heavy on your mind. There’s a daily checkin thread this is very helpful, you might want to check it out.


Thank you for the advice. What is the daily check in and where can I find it?

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This is the last post in the daily check in thread, you can just reply there and there’s always some online to reply!


Welcome Alex!

Saying those last 3 words shows your strength!
You can do this!!!

Hi @AlexDum, welcome to forum, glad you decided to join us :wave:

Just a thought: would it be helpful to confide in your girlfriend so she can help you where possible, be your biggest supporter and a big hurdle for going back to doing drugs (assuming that disappointing her is the last thing you want to do)?

Tere are three underutilized prayers in AA. They hae helped. 1 god direct my thinking. I use this prayer when I’m thinking about the future the past or judging someone. 2 god take away my fear how would you have me be. Sometimes courage is needed to overcome fear sometimes patience sometimes being teachable. I use this prayer when I’m afraid or before I go into a fearful situation. 3 i ask god for an inspirational thought or action. When i receive the thought or action I do it. There is a saying posted in AA halls it says think think think. It reminds me that it takes at least 3 thoughts before i find a positive one. I hope to see you around the tables of AA