Trying this again day 2

I have stopped drinking two days now and it’s not been going well with the withdrawals especially since the last two binging periods have hit me like no other so I know I have to stop before I really make myself even more unhealthy than I already am. I don’t have the issue of drinking everyday I usually drink every other week and it’s for 3-5 days or until my body hates me… I have issues filling time/ anxiety/ ptsd so it seems to be so easy to forget how I’ve felt the last time I drank and dive right back in.


Welcome back Jared

Congrats on your 2 days - this is a great first step!

Its not whether we drink daily or get blitzed every once in a while - we know we have a bad relationship with alcohol and have to find healthier coping mechanisms to end this relationship for good.

Are you able to go to meeting(s) - in person or on line. Staying active here really has been helpful for me - especially the Checking in daily to maintain focus #58 thread.

I’ve provided a list of activities to do to fill time below. I know have idle time is a killer and the urges get stronger when we have time to kill. I find changing up routines and staying away from triggers to be helpful in staying sober.

Activities to keep you busy

I hope this has been helpful… great job on working on your sobriety. Hope to see you around.

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I have been looking for any type of local groups bc I know I need accountability and I don’t feel that as much doing online groups just bc I need to get out more and all in all find actual sober friends.


I’ve used the Meeting Guide app to find meetings in my area. As much as I love this community, it is definitely more helpful in person. Figure out the schedule and get to as many as you can and you’ll find tons of support. You’ll like some more than others so keep at it. All the best :green_heart:

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Totally makes sense to have some one on one human contact. I know many apps are available like Laura mentioned too - hope you find a good in person meeting and hopefully will also be able to find a good sponsor. Don’t give up - the right fit is out there for you.

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