Trying this again16

Recently I have been trying hard to stay sober. Haven’t been able to last more than a week. 3 days ago I told myself just one to let off some steam that deep down I know never works out like that. But of course my mind starts going into a battle against itself. And the drank won. That one drink lead too a 3 day relapse. I stopped taking my mental health meds and drank until I couldn’t anymore. This morning I woke up over it. I took naltrexone so even if I change my mind later, whatever happens throughout the day, I have may make me think about drinking. I won’t be able to. I need to start making sure I take naltrexone every morning before I can choose a drink. I’m struggling to stay sober but I know in my heart I need to break this addiction. For my sons, my health, my family and friends relationships. Everything in me screams don’t drink yet somewhere in my head it wants one so bad. I need to fight the urge. Drinking ruined my life. I want to get it back and fulfill the plan God has in store for me. Thank you everyone on this app it’s been extremely helpful.


You can do this! Self care means take that pill everyday!! Bless you!


You are stomger than you will ever know
Keep going never give up
I believe in you

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Thank you so much!

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Thank you so much!!

You can and will start getting better at fighting the urge to buy or pick up… Have 3 things you have to get through before you give in.

  1. Eat something wait for an hour.
    2 Take a walk.
    3 it has to be AF beer or whatever.

I’m sorry if this sounds too simplistic but I find putting hurdles in front that I have to jump over can sometimes just give me a little bit of time to stop and think before I give in.

Sometimes it’s not days or weeks but minutes or hours… I’ll look at the clock sometimes and see that it’s 10 o clock, the off licence is closed I’m safe, another day survived.

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I found that very helpful, I will try anything at this point. I appreciate your opinion thank you

Hi Lexx, it’s a journey and keep my fingers crossed for you - what helped me just recently was this post What's YOUR plan?. I quit drinking few times during the last 6 months, and with each combination of relapse&quitting I always learn something new about myself and the process of staying sober (e.g. what the triggers to drink are for me). With that information from the post above I understood the whole process much better and is helping me staying sober. Don’t push yourself too hard yet plan quitting alcohol some day, prepare for it. Be well :wink:

Very early in my sobriety i laid on my bed and listened to Allen Carrs easy way to stop drinking…it changed my mindset about drinking forever…id urge you to try that asap Lexx

To keep myself foccussed I put all my drinking energy in my recovery. So I read many recovery book and listened to loads of podcasts about sobriaty. Also I almost lived here on this forum then in real life :blush:
I learned a lot of tools and tricks how to get trough cravings and stuff. I tried many things I’ve read somewhere. Some worked and some doesn’t. But at the end it left me with a list of things I can do right now If I crave a drink ore feel unsetteled.
Here you found a great list of books to read:

Take care! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Just stay relaxed, focused and talk to folks on here. Sobriety is better.

The urge will pass. Don’t let it derail the good work you’re doing. Stay strong and it will get easier

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Thank you I will check it out

Thank you!

Thank you so much for taking the time to type that all for me. I will check it out. Again thank you!

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