Trying this app for the third time

Hi there, my name’s Jeremy. I just relapsed and feel absolutely horrible. How do you quit an addiction like gambling when you’re working a low wage job with no hope and crippling debts? Thanks to all.


Hi Jeremy and welcome back. I’m sorry you’re struggling with your addiction. I’m hoping that you aren’t just relying on this app for recovery. It usually takes more than just the app. Have you checked out Gambler’s Anonymous?

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You ask for help. No one - whether they’re in an addiction or not - can do life alone.

We all need to belong. We all need connection and support.

Go to a group:

Going to a group is something to feel good about. It’s a chance to meet people who can teach you how to live free from gambling. Most people who don’t have an addiction don’t really understand it. They do - and they can help you find your path.

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Thank you guys, I’ll try GA, I never really gave it a try. I’m currently in Paris, options in terms of support groups aren’t great at the moment, but it’s true I can’t do this alone


There is a meeting in Paris - tap “France” here:

There are American hotlines you can call:

There are virtual meetings in French, in France:

Gamblers Anonymous England:

Let us know how the meeting goes! With all these options you have options :innocent:

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I agree. @jeremy2 Keep us updated on your journey.

Thank you guys, I appreciate you taking the time to post in here. I’ll keep you updated

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Here’s for the update, I’m 21 days sober. I’m not going back to this terrible disease that gambling is or I’ll lose myself entirely.


This is great to read, congratulations. Did you join GA?

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Thank you! I didn’t. I’m planning on doing just that though, I just need to find the time to (I’m working nights these days)


Well done on going it alone, definitely worth looking for a bit of support in the long term. Keep up the good work :+1:

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Thank you so much for your support :pray: I’m coming clean to my family (my parents and brother) next week after two years of uncontrollable gambling urges and squandering away my life savings, so I’m nervous. Any advice on how to approach this?


Disclosure is very personal so ultimately you are the one who knows best. Ask yourself, will it help my recovery? Will it create any problems? People are understandably concerned, and all addictions affect more than just the addict: whether we’re drunk or out all night or borrowing money or losing savings, ultimately all addictions drain resources from everyone in our circle. So it has had an impact.

It can be helpful to reflect on others’ experiences. In my own case my wife knows the broad strokes of it but there are some details she doesn’t know because I don’t think it will help either of us (and because not know it doesn’t hurt her; it’s not a risk to her, it’s just something that disclosure doesn’t really help stable recovery). However my contacts in my recovery group know everything, every detail, because that lets me speak to them about recovery - which is the reason we’re together.

If you search the word “Disclosure” in the search box / magnifying glass, you’ll find a few relevant threads where you can read others’ experiences:


I can only use one word to help you and that’s HONESTY, everything else will be what will be but if your honest you can go to sleep at the end of the day with a clear conscience.


I think if someone I loved was telling me that, I’d find it reassuring to know what steps they are putting in place for their recovery. I’d also like to know how I can help. Maybe thinking about those things would be good?

It is fairly likely they will have suspected that something has been going on, so they might find it a relief to know what it is.

Its absolutely up to you to choose how much you want to share. Good for you for wanting to get it out in the open. I hope you find some support with them. If not though, don’t be disheartened. You’re on the right path and the choices you are making now will benefit you and your family in the long term :pray: :sparkling_heart:


Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. I can’t tell them everything, but I do want to come clean about my addiction, I think it’s time to stop pretending like I’m in control and to admit weakness. I’ll carefully choose my words as to not hurt them, or at least not too much

I still have to do it but I’m getting closer to telling them, and my gambling urges have started kicking in again. Might be because of the stress and apprehension that is induced by talking to my family. Anyone else feels like their addiction is/used to be like a Horcruxe that knows it’s always closer to being rid of and hence fights harder every chance it gets? This is the best metaphor I could come up with haha

There are some preventative measures you can take. For online gambling you can self exclude yourself from the sites. Some banks are also able to block gambling payments. If you need support, get it.

I’ve already done all that, but the urges are still hard to deal with sometimes