Trying to find a routine to get more energy during the day

I’m on day 23 only problem is I feel like sleeping all day then can’t fall asleep at night. I read somewhere about needing some kind of vitamin b or something. Just wondering if anyone else deals with this. I’m gonna try eating better amd doing morning exercise this week to see if it helps.

B12 will help with energy…but it might also be good to take a multi vitamin for a bit to replenish any vitamins and minerals you might have been depleting while using.

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There is a post somewhere about all the supplements you should consider in early sobriety. I don’t know how to link though. Just use the search function.

I would also add some morning exercise. It doesn’t have to be strenuous but just get your body moving. A morning walk outside in fresh air could make a huge difference in your energy


Im in Washington State and everyone here is low on Vit D. That drops my energy.


Im day 31 of giving up heroin… ive hardly slept at night time and got no get up and go … Maybe it gets better in time x

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Here is the link I think @VSue is referring at:


Plenty of fruite and water is what you need clense your boddy. And try to not go to sleep in the day and go to bed the same time everynight. Have a hot bath and try a hot chocolate before bed. Listen to some relaxing music or go on youtube for some sleep therapy music. Also turn your phone off at night


I make smoothies with ginger root, spinach, bananas, and almond milk. The ginger reduces fatigue by improving blood circulation and blood sugar levels.


@DEM1423 I think this is really helpful to keep in mind. Give this new daily lifestyle some time. You’ll get back on track with sleep. Your body is just regulating it’s self. It took me a handful of months to get to a normal sleeping pattern.

In the beginning I would be waking up at 3/4am after going to sleep at midnight and feel wide awake. Now I get really consistent sleep, if I stick to a schedule.

Congrats on your days :blush:


@DEM1423 Some supplements to consider - melatonin, valerian root for sleep. Chamomile tea before bed also helps.

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Just kicking your own ass getting out of bed instead of laying there helps. Wake up early, get a shower and get ready even if u have no where to go…i always felt better and if there was something to do i was ready to go. Moving around doing anything and not laying around naturally will help. Just find things to do or go for a walk…


Melatonin really helps. I take it and an hour later i am in bed and sleep through the night.

The big 3: diet, exercise and patience.

Well rounded diet with little to no added sugar.

Daily exercise, 30 walk or run would suffice.

Vitamin B complex could help, it will take a few weeks to fully take effect tho, so if you take it, stick with it.

It takes a while to adjust, so be patient and enjoy the ride.


We’ve had a few awesome “vitamin D” days lately! I hope it lasts just a few more days.


Trying to sleep at the same hours everyday, avoiding screens light at least 1 hour before to bed (I switch for book), hot shower or bath before bed, and maybe try meditation at night for sleep and to clear the mind… That’s what I’m trying to do to get back on a good sleeping routine.

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I have a few podcasts that have soothing voices that have become my sleepy pocasts. I only listen to them at bedtime. I have trained myself that those voices are for sleep. I now can fall asleep in needed short times.