Trying to get back on track

Glad your going to a meeting they will help and youl make new sober friends you can call and have a day out for coffee important to get a good sober network round you so you dont feel alone wish you well , and ill repeat this again Relapse isnt a part of recovery it happens but thats dosnt happen to many people i know and guided through the steps in the recovery program .

Hi, I have seen you last few posts regarding relapse and you are asking for help and feedback so please don’t take this as an attack but I think you may have missed the point Lilemm made when letting you in on an horrid event, you replied “fortunately haven’t experienced that” but you mentioned that only two days ago you were on the end of a unwelcome kiss, whilst this is not ok by any means what happened to Lilemm is what we called a Yet, Your Eligible Too, meaning you were lucky that time but there is plenty out there waiting for us if we keep drinking. You may not have crashed a car Yet, you may not have lost your partner Yet but if we continue things only get worse and what you think may your rock bottom can get worse.
If your truly wanting to get sober you need to start with been honest with yourself first.
I hope you get the advise your looking for here and start putting your words into action.


Good you took the time to answer the questions.
And I think your bold doing that here :muscle:t2:.

From your answers I think you get it.

Leave no room for failure or surprises because then you will folter since (your words) you are not strong enough.

You saying your brother wasn’t able to support you after and you hadn’t anticipate on that. meaning you haven’t asked him? That’s were your plan went off rail before hand.

Take the lesson that if you want something or need something say it out loud and upfront.

Again, leave nothing to change… The SOB will be on high alert to draw you in.

Look at your addict mind as the enemy for now. Give that SOB no room to manoeuvre you into using.

Use this approach! Stop feeling miserable you are not a victim you are at the wheel your addict mind is merely a passenger don’t listen to its direction and you’ll end up at your destination.

In the matter of your boyfriend, don’t beg dont cry. Just repent and own upm
that’s how you can show you get it. Taking some barf stuff isn’t proving anything, you’ve had it before right?

And about intention, don’t trust yours just in the least right now… Intention is nothing Action is.

Antabuse isn’t putting your head up imho.
It is actually saying I would drink if I could but then I would trow up. I am not saying you shouldn’t take is but your approach just needs to change you seem to think the alcohol is the problem while really… It is just us.

Again. I wish you a good stretch of recovery!
Good luck Daniella :pray:t2:

I know what you are saying and its true that its just waiting to happen. If i keep continueing this pattern. I dont think im lying to myself. I think that i have admitted i have a problem and that i really want to change this and myself.


I know that antabuse isnt a long time solution. But when i took it, the two months i didnt drink or drink and then throw up. I on the other hand had to deal differently with my mental state and the reasons i drink and how to handle differently than what i normally do, which is drinking.

You ended up relapsing anyway right?
It helps to not drink… It doesn’t get you sober.
Just take the time to let it sink in!

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Im not sure what to answer to this. But i think i need to do all the different things i can do. And then see how i move forward. I need to show myself that i CAN do something about this.

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You dont need to answer to anything really.

You can’t do anything about the fact that you are an addict, it is an incurable disease.

You can show accountability and work recovery. First step to get there is to surrender and accept that you are powerless to your addiction and that your live has become unbearable.


I really do agree with you. And i think i have admitted that i am an addict by just being here

It is not about honesty, you have shown that since your first post. And nobody questioned it. I know I haven’t.

It is about surrender to the fact that you cannot do shit about the addiction yourself.
“If I’d still be in control I’d be using for sure!”
That is my bigger picture.

Im going to stop now, have a good evening.


Okay in that way. I will like to thank you for taking the time to read and answer me. I will just have to move forward and not living in the past, which is whats happening to me when i drink.

Thanks again and good night

The first move is to stop for yourself. You can do it. Today I made a year alcohol free. If I can do it, so can you :heart:


Wauw, amazingly done. That will be me in a year! I look forward to that. But first i will have to make the first week

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Oh for sure. And dont even think a week ahead. Only think about how you wont drink today. Think the same thing tomorrow and so on. I promise, if you do it for yourself you will succeed. :heart: