Trying to get Sober.....Again

Hi there I’m new to this kinda thing.
Anyway I need to get Sober before I lose everything I love. My Wife, my children, my life.
Last night I went out for “a couple”
14 pints later and countless missed calls from my wife I finally go home.
I need help. I’ve used other formats but nothing has stopped me. I don’t want to hit rock bottom.

This has to stop.


Then see this as your rock bottom and work your way up to it :arrow_up:
You are the only person who can turn it around.
Glad you found this app, there’s plenty information to find here. Just use the :mag: above to find all the treads you need!
I would advice: read, read and read! Learn about your addiction and how to beat it.
Because you can! :facepunch:


I think I will try a meeting. Been to a lot of counselling sessions over the years trying to address my depression. Thanks for the advice :blush:


Thank you so much for this awesome comment.
I’m going to do this :sunglasses:

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Great! Hope to see you around a lot because it really helps to be here much! 405 days sober myself and I’m here every day since my day one.


Wow that’s absolutely amazing! Well done :sunglasses:

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Thank you :hugs: You can be there too some day, that’s why I mentioned it :facepunch:

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Are you in the UK Marc :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes I’m in the UK :blush:

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I thought so with you saying pints. Welcome to the gang. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m with you on this. A baby shower yesterday turned in to an alcohol fuled night. I’m also at risk of losing my family too lf I keep this up. Tomorrow is my official first day sober good luck and see you around here.


Welcome Mark I’m from Northern Ireland. You’ll find so much support and strength on here , just keep checking in and sharing when you want to :blush::+1:


Thank you very much😊

Good luck to you too! I’ve had countless warnings. Hopefully I can turn things around

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Aww thanks for the support! Its really opened my eyes to see so many people going through similar problems. I’ll keep checking in for sure :blush:


Howdy maybe try a meeting they will help you meet new friends who have been were you have