Trying to make a change

Hi, I’m DDB.
I have found my way to a recovery service after losing control of my addiction lately. I’m nervous, scared and I don’t currently know if I can actually see this through. But it’s time to give it a serious try.
Nice to meet you all.


Nice to meet you @DDB - welcome to Talking Sober! You are not alone. Many of us have been exactly where you are. There are people here who understand :innocent:

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Welcome to the community. This is a great place full of wonderful people that are really dedicated to their sobriety. Read around and listen to some of the advice from the people that have lasting sobriety. I know things might seem difficult right now or it’s hard to not think about the past or the future but all you have to do is get through today sober. Taking things one day at a time is one of the best ways to approach sobriety. Also getting involved with a recovery program that involves in person meetings. There is many options out there. Stay connected on a daily basis with people in recovery. Remember why you wanted to get sober in the first place. you have to practice being sober Until it becomes the normal. At the end of the day this is way easier then living the other way. Working hard, facing responsibilities, learning about ourselves this is what it takes. Just get through today And stay busy with positive things


Nice to meet you, @DDB, and welcome!


How are you doing. Recovery can be hard and scary so it is best to have a good support system in place. Are you able to join any recovery groups or go to any meetings? This is a wonderful community full of support and great advice. Take your time to read around and join in when you feel comfortable. :pray:t4:


Welcome DDB! Glad u found us!! Its very normal to be nervous, scared, and unsure when beginning recovery. I felt the exact same way. All u have to focus on tho is today. Focus on one day at a time. Let tmrw take care of itself :slight_smile: Feel free to check in often on the check thread and if ur having urges to use, post on this forum first so that we can help u thru it.


Hi and welcome :raising_hand_woman:
I still remember the first time when I came here more then 6 years ago. Still glad I did!
Sober since and happy with the result of the work I’ve put into my recovery.
It’s good to be amongst people who understand addiction and every impact of it.
So make that change and we are here to support you!


Good to virtually meet you DDB! Welcome to Talking Sober. I stumbled upon this place as you have, just by searching the terms “sober forum or sober community”… it has been a staple ever since. I don’t post much, BUT I lurk and watch everything develop and it makes me feel not alone in this.
We are here for you always and will continue to be!
Glad you are here!


Thank you everyone for the kind words. I had a very productive day full of good choices, then a very destructive day full of old bad habits. I can manage a good day here and there. But not every day consecutively. For every good day I seem to have a blow out. How have you managed to conquer this?

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What do you different on your good days? I have simple goal every day and it to get my head to pillow sober at the end of day. And yes someday I go to bed early. But my body can use the extra rest after years of torching it.

Ah that cycle is hard to break…few things that helped me…

  • make sure you don’t have any easy access to your drug of choice
  • change up your routines so you are super busy during the times when the urges hit
  • have plans to keep yourself occupied so you don’t have time to think about the urges
  • have support in place (this community, meetings, therapist, sponsor)
  • hydrate and flush out your system. Be prepared to go through some hard moments as your body detoxes
  • re- train your mind so that it finds other ways to deal with hard days
  • stay away from triggers (may have to change up the social settings and peers)

Just hand tight…it does get easier :pray:t4:


How are you doing today?