Trying to make sense af all this

Hello everyone, my name is Eamon 65yrs old, I am so glad to have found this group, my relationship with alcohol has been a long one almost 50yrs, when I say that I find it hard to imagine all the wasted time, energy money and countless other things as a result of that. I have a wonderful family, that I hid a lot of things from, outwardly I always kept fit well was always outdoors in the mountains cycled ran but alcohol was always hovering in the baclground, not huge amounts , I alwaus felt in control but I now realise that was not the case, in recet time I was having regular bouts of 4 or 5 cans of beer and driving despite all public warnings about drinking and driving, who behaves like this?? Over the years I was always employed until till last year .Raised 2 great children qho have sadly emigrated. My wife is a great support for me, last July I had a DUI arrest and having to deal with the results of that is proving difficult for me, the shame is killing me, trying to understand all of my past behaviours, I am not sure of myself as a human being, there is so much more I could say, but I hope some of you will understand. Than you


Welcome Eamon!

This is a wonderful place to learn all you can about recovery. And today is a perfect day to start your journey and begin to set yourself free from the control that alcohol has in your life.

Read all you can and check in here a lot. I made the decision to become a person who doesn’t use alcohol just over three years ago. I had to change my habits and my mindset. I had to learn new ways to “relax” and “celebrate”. It’s a process, but if you can learn how to do it, you can enjoy freedom and real life!

Have a great day!


Make sure to read all this!


Welcome! I can relate too well to your story. There is so much experience and wisdom here, we are glad to have you. :muscle::pray:t2:


How do Eamon welcome young man ,dont know if youve tried a meeting might help , they helped this old guy stay sober wish you well


Welcome Eamon,
At the age of 60 I found this app. Fat drunk and hungover is no way to go through my bronze years. I’m very active on here. And ODAAT. (One day at a time.) I’m sober. Thanks to this app. I got to AA meetings now and I work on my sobriety every day. Especially gratitude.
Stick with us friend.
This is a great place for support. I could never do it alone.


Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragement, it means a lot to mr


Welcome Eamon :wave: :innocent: lots of good advice above. Talking Sober is a nice place to come together and meet people, and learn about journeys to being healthy (which for us means sober). Welcome to the community!


Than you very much Matt

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