Trying to meet sober people

Hi my name is Curtis. I live in the middle of nowhere and everyone I know has an addiction problem. I love my circle of people but I feel it’s time to start making some sober friends. I’m 88 days sober today and am taking my recovery very seriously. It would just be nice to talk to some people who are struggling with sobriety all alone like I am.


Welcome @Curtis-81 ! You found an awesome place with people from around the world trying to kick addictions. Way to go on 88 days!

Whats your doc( drug of choice)? What has been working for you so far?


Welcome Curtis! There are many people on this forum that are on the same path as urself! Glad to have u here

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Welcome! I can totally relate…neighbors over a mile away in any direction. Just about everyone I know either indulges in some sort of habit, or are a brand of religious I struggle to stomach in large doses. :slight_smile:


Bkess you on your journey.

Welcome, Curtis! Great community here. And 88 is great!

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I really like the topics and the things people have to say. Seems good for my recovery. I will hang out here for now.

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22 years as an active alcoholic. Over the years I messed up a lot of things and regret every mistake I’ve made, but it wasn’t enough to stop. This last summer I put my son’s life in danger and that was the end for me. I was a mess so I called the crisis hotline and 2 days later was in 28 day rehab. It was a great experience and I learned so much. Practicing sobriety in the real world is a different story but I haven’t relapsed in 88 days. What keeps me straight is the love of my wife and son, my houseplants, the many hours of counseling and meetings on zoom every week, and the number one thing is fear. I fear the monster that I once was and I fear dying from my addiction because I pushed it too far.
Anyways, it’s nice to meet all of you and I’m happy to be here.


Good for you for saying enough is enough. Proud of you brother

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Welcome! Congrats on 88 days! I hope you find some sober people in your life…at least you have us here now! It took a bit for me to find a sober friend in person but having this helped me and still does so much.
I wanted to share a thread with you since you like plants!


Hello Curtis, nice to have you here mate. Theres always someont to talk to here. Theres also a couple of great threads on gardening and we have our very own house plant expert @TMAC , loads of other great threads as well.
88days is great going Curtis. :+1: